
千刀萬剮  qiān dāo wàn guǎ








  • 削減分紅的感覺就像被千刀萬剮了一樣。
    IT FELT like death by a thousand cuts.

  • 如果智慧要受懲罰,你豈不是要千刀萬剮
    If the wisdom must receive punishes, you do want to be cut to pieces?

  • 不,如果說這是真的,那就讓我千刀萬剮吧。
    Nay , if this be true, let me die again and again.

  • 如果聰明要受懲罰,那我豈不是要千刀萬剮
    If being smart can get a punishment, how many times I should get killed.

  • 我寧願被千刀萬剮,也不願參與這種可憎的勾當。
    I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business.

  • 我寧願被千刀萬剮,也不願參與這種可 憎的勾當。
    I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business.

  • 為什麼人們知道這會危及生命卻仍然一意孤行,現在傷口就如千刀萬剮一般痛得鉆心。
    So why do people do it knowing that it ruins lives, but now the pain is cutting me like a hundred stabbing knives.

  • 另一個網民稱,包養情婦的貪官“純屬多餘,是吸血鬼,是渣滓,他們全都該千刀萬剮”。
    Another described the corrupt cadres who keep concubines as “absolutely superfluous, vampires, corrupt scum. They deserve to be killed”.

  • 魔鬼說:“在資本主義的地獄裡,他們活剝你的皮,把你下油鍋炸,然後用利刃千刀萬剮。”
    “Well, ” the devil replies, “in capitalist hell, they flay you alive, then they boil you in oil and then they cut you up into small pieces with sharp knives.

  • “在共產主義的地獄裡,他們活剝你的皮,把你下油鍋炸,然後用利刃千刀萬剮。”馬克思不耐煩地說。
    “In communist hell, ” says Marx impatiently, “they flay you alive, then they boil you in oil, and then they cut you up into small pieces with sharp knives.

  • 易憲容年近50,應熟知沙奶奶那句擲地有聲的名言:“你有理當著眾百姓講,縱然把我千刀萬剮也無妨!”
    Yixianrong nearly 50 years, should be familiar with the famous statement that sentence Sand her : “You just say in front of people, even though my Qiandaomogua also harm!”

  • 易憲容年近50,應熟知沙奶奶那句擲地有聲的名言:“你有理當著眾百姓講,縱然把我千刀萬剮也無妨!”
    Yixianrong nearly 50 years, should be familiar with the famous statement that sentence sand away : “You just say in front of people, even though my Qiandaomogua also harm!”

  • 灑傢尋思,民眾之所以出離憤怒,恨不得將他們千刀萬剮,踐踏幼女的惡行固然是直接原因,更深層次的原因不言自明。
    I puzzling, outraged because the people wished they will be killed, trampling on young girls is the direct cause of evil, the reasons for a deeper self-evident.

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