
唯我獨尊  wéi wǒ dú zūn








  • 90後:天上地下,唯我獨尊
    After 90: the sky underground, self!

  • 對精神的感受,不是出自想入非非或唯我獨尊
    See the Spirit But not out of spiritual lust or spiritual egoism.

  • 我相信愛和分享的力量,藐視仇恨與唯我獨尊
    I believe in the power of love and sharing, and despise hatred and monopoly.

  • 而現代性的一個典型態度是唯我獨尊,是“霸道”。
    A typical attitude of modernity is hegemony.

  • 以前悠樂有一位國王,他比較獨裁也比較唯我獨尊
    Once there was a King in Au Lac who was a tyrant and also was very arrogant.

  • 如果一種文化妄圖目空一切,唯我獨尊,那它就無法生存。
    No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.

  • 迷信自己的人,總以為普天之下唯我獨尊,唯有我能力最強。
    Those who are obsessed with their egos basically feel that everything under heaven is relative to the self, that only “I” have t …

  • 人們邏輯混亂,不可理喻,唯我獨尊。無論如何還是要愛他們。
    People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered. Love them anyway.

  • 他的閱歷相當深。一眼就能辨別出那些以各種形態出現的唯我獨尊者。
    He’s got too many experience so he can tell people filled with conceit in any forms right away.

  • 我不喜歡我的老板。他老是有那種“唯我獨尊”的態度,讓人受不了。
    I don’t like my boss. He always has this “my way or the highway” attitude going on. It’s just too much.

  • 玩武士,樂在殺人,不容易掛,隻有我殺人,少有人殺我,唯我獨尊
    PLAYING warrior, Lok at murder, is not easy to peg, only to kill me, very few people to kill me, conceited.

  • 人們往往會邏輯混亂,不可理喻,唯我獨尊。但是不管怎樣,還是要去愛他們。
    People are illogical unreasonable and  self-centered. Love them anyway.

  • 楊將軍在一兩年以前,在陜西那些未被紅軍控制的地區,還是個唯我獨尊的皇帝。
    Until a couple of years before, General Young had been undisputed monarch of those parts of Shansi not controlled by the Reds.

  • 正是為了“我”的安全與自由,請不要再“唯我獨尊”,而多些對“他人”的關愛吧。
    Therefore, for the sake of the security and freedom of all individuals, let us curb our egocentrism, and try to show your concern for others.

  • 在世界上所有的俱樂部當中,在法國的100俱樂部可能是最唯我獨尊、與眾不同的。
    OF all the clubs in the world, the Club of 100 in France may be the most exclusive.

  • 應該說,嚴肅的作傢總的來說比新聞記者更慕名譽,更唯我獨尊,盡管他們不那麼迷戀金錢。
    Serious writers, I should say, are on the whole more vain and self-centered than journalists, though less interested in money.

  • 亞洲年輕人往往被歸類為「唯我獨尊」搶錢一族,但這個地區的新富階級愈來愈以助人為樂。
    Asia’s youth are often characterized as money-grubbing ‘me-fosters. ‘ But increasingly, the region’s new rich are looking to help others.

  • 將你的名字列入想要制造快樂的人的名單中。不要“我第一”或是“唯我獨尊”,而要“我也是”。
    Add your name to the list of people who re trying to make happy, Not “me first or ” “me only ” but me, too.

  • 2000年喬治佈什在選戰中證明了一點:在初選中,沒有任何優勢敵得過給人“唯我獨尊”的印象。
    As George Bush demonstrated in 2000, there are few more important advantages in the primary race than a sense of “inevitability”.

  • 他在尼克松首屆任期內的那種唯我獨尊的外交風格,使國務院心灰意冷,使國會隻有袖手旁觀的份兒。
    His virtuoso style of diplomacy during the first Nixon term left the State Department demoralized and Congress just another spectator.

  • 然而,在汶川大地震和北京奧運會中,80後以他們空前的愛國熱情一洗過去唯我獨尊的“小皇帝”形象。
    However, in Wenchuan earthquake and the Olympic Games in Beijing, 80, after their unprecedented patriotism in the past to wash one’s self, “little emperor” image.

  • 感受一種唯我獨尊和雍容華貴圍攏的氣氛,您在看聽的過程中,對世界最美妙的餘興節目表演留下深刻印象。
    In our exclusive and luxurious surrounding, you can look, listen and be impressed with the fabulous Cabaret performance that made “Simon Cabaret” famous worldwide.

  • 耶穌藉著這例子推理出人類生存的基本道理∶凡孤芳自賞、唯我獨尊的人,他將永遠孤獨、無聊、結不出果實。
    Jesus deduced from this a basic principle of human existence: Anyone who is anxiously clinging to and looking after himself will be left on his own and will remain dry and unfruitful.

  • 搖頭晃腦:這種人特別自信,以至於唯我獨尊。他們在社交場合很會表現自己,對事業一往無前的精神常受人贊嘆。
    shake head: Such people have a special self-confidence, so conceited. They are social occasions will show themselves to the cause of indomitable spirit often amazed by the people.

  • 密特拉教,一個已經確立後但唯我獨尊的教派,專心於社會的正義,在處理名相之前就被聲稱的基督教發起者所吸收。
    Mithraism, an established but exclusive sect devoted to social justice, was assimilated by state-sponsored Christianity before being disposed of in name.

  • 唯我獨尊的私人銀行業領域,正掀起一股向亞洲轉移資源之風。而亞洲要成為財富管理服務盈利的主要來源尚待時日。
    In the exclusive world of private banking, a gravitational shift of resources toward Asia is well under way. A shift in profits may take longer to follow.

  • 這個圈子就像一個唯我獨尊的兄弟會,而我必須自己努力才能贏得他人的尊重,才有資格在胸口別上摩根士丹利的司徽。
    There was an exclusive fraternity and it was up to me to gain respect and earn the right to wear Morgan Stanley across my chest.

  • 如果一個人僅僅愛另一個人而對其他的人漠不關心,他的愛不是“愛”,隻是一種共生的依賴,或者是一個擴張 的唯我獨尊
    If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism.

  • 輕視有兩種,一種是絕對化輕視,即自以為了不起,實際上如同“夜郎自大”,不是僅僅看不起日本,是誰都看不起,唯我獨尊
    There are two types of contempt. One type is absolute contempt because one thinks that one is superior (even though this is just an inflated self-opinion) not just over Japan but also everybody else.

  • 但是如果你所有的更新都是你博客的鏈接,你的詩歌,你的萬米跑成績和你的表演,這樣的話,你看起來就比較像一個自吹自擂,唯我獨尊的野心傢了。
    But when almost EVERY update is a link to your blog, your poetry reading, your 10k results or your art show, you sound like a bragger or a self-centered careerist.

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