
喜形於色  xǐ xíng yú sè








  • 她聽到自己獲勝的消息喜形於色
    She was all smiles at the news of her win.

  • 櫻花,我喜歡!姥姥也喜形於色
    Cherry blossom, I love! It’s also Grandma’s favourite!

  • 他聽到這個好消息時喜形於色
    He brighten ed (up) when he heard the good news.

  • 獲勝者聽到投票的結果時喜形於色
    The winner was all smiles as he heard the results of the voting.

  • 他聽到這個好消息時喜形於色
    We felt buoyed up by the good news.

  • 內心的歡樂必形之於色。喜形於色
    The joy of the heart makes the face merry.

  • 他們又叫又笑,喜形於色
    They shouted and laughed and cut round.

  • 對自己的決定他很是得意,幾乎喜形於色
    He almost permits himself a smile, so pleased is he at his decision.

  • 喜形於色,我實在等不及地要給他看我的這首詩。
    I glowed, I could hardly wait to show him my poem .

  • 他因自己的名字再次出現在大字標題上而喜形於色
    He had brightened at having his name in headline again.

  • 當孩子們看到傢長們出現在幼兒園門口時,都喜形於色
    The children’s faces were brightened up when they saw their parents appear at the gate of the kindergarten.

  • 你總是喜形於色,一旦你失去耐心,你的暴力無人能及。
    Your feelings are always in full display, and once you lose patience, your violence would have no equal.

  • “真是太好了”,藝術傢是喜形於色,“那壞消息是什麼?
    “That’s wonderful! “the artist exclaimed, “What’s the bad news?

  • 善良的心是快樂之源,使四周的一切生氣盎然,喜形於色
    A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.

  • 在一切祭獻上,要喜形於色;奉獻什一之物時,也要高興。
    With each contribution show a cheerful countenance, and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy.

  • 赫德森聽到消息後喜形於色。他根本沒想到獲得一等學位。
    Hudson was all cook-a-hoop at the news. He had never expected to get a first-class degree.

  • 當我請求她嫁給我時,她真是喜形於色。{真是個大男人的句子啊!
    E. g. She was radiant with joy when I asked her to marry me.

  • 談判者具備良好的自制力, 在談判順利時不會盲目樂觀,喜形於色
    The treater has the good self-control, when the negotiations are smooth not blind happy the view, happy;

  • “一把手”俯身下詢的姿態,當然是積極的,“人們喜形於色,奔走相告”。
    “Number one” bent under the consultation posture, of course, is positive, “People all smiling, Benzouxianggao.

  • 利沃諾 –喜形於色的卡卡接受了米蘭頻道的采訪:“這是場非常重要的客場勝利。
    LIVORNO – A joyous Kakà spoke with the Milan Channel: ‘It was a very important away game victory.

  • 斯旺森為我們講述道,1865年4月上旬,隨著維護統一的慘烈戰爭的結束,亞伯罕姆·林肯“喜形於色”。
    In the early days of April 1865, with the bloody war to preserve the union finished, Swanson tells us, Abraham Lincoln was “jubilant”.

  • 斯旺森為我們講述道,1865年4月上旬,隨著維護統一的慘烈戰爭的結束,亞伯罕姆•林肯“喜形於色”。
    In the early days of April 1865, with the bloody war to preserve the union finished, Swanson tells us, Abraham Lincoln was “jubilant”.

  • 他很冷靜,從來不給隊員無謂的壓力,也很少喜形於色,即使獲得歐冠的時候他也不會笑,這也許就是他的力量所在。
    Benítez is calm; he does not put pressure on the team. He never looks happy, even if you win the Champions League, he keeps calm. That is a strength for him.

  • “真是太好了”,藝術傢是喜形於色,“那壞消息是什麼?”帶著關心的口吻,畫廊老板回答,“買畫的人是你的醫生。
    “That’s wonderful! ” the artist exclaimed, “What’s the bad news?”. With concern, the gallery owner replied, “The guy was your doctor. ”

  • “真是太好了”,藝術傢是喜形於色,“那壞消息是什麼?”帶著關心的口吻,畫廊老板回答,“買畫的人是你的醫生”
    “That’s wonderful! ” the artist exclaimed, “What’s the bad news?”. With concern, the gallery owner replied, “The guy was your doctor. ”

  • “真是太好了”,藝術傢是喜形於色,“那壞消息是什麼?”帶著關心的口吻,畫廊老板回答,“買畫的人是你的醫生”。
    “That’s wonderful! ” the artist exclaimed, “What’s the bad news?”. With concern, the gallery owner replied, “The guy is your doctor. ”

  • 那時,你見到這情形,必要喜形於色,你的心靈必要激動而舒暢,因為海洋的珍寶都要歸於你,萬民的財富都要歸你所有。
    Then you shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow, For the riches of the sea shall be emptied out before you, the wealth of nations shall be brought to you.

  • 在漫長的賽季和同樣持久的俱樂部五十年來首個頂級聯賽冠軍的慶祝典禮之後,主教練何塞穆裡尼奧喜形於色,並向我們分享了他的感受。
    After a long, long season and an equally long time celebrating Chelsea’s first League title in fifty years, jubilant Chelsea manager, José Mourinho shared his feelings.

  • 娜塔莎整天價因為過命名日而喜形於色,這時分臉色突然變了,她的視線呆滯不動了,之後她的寬大的脖子顫抖了一下,嘴角松垂下來了。
    Natasha’s birthday face that had been festive and excited all day, changed at once; her eyes wore a fixed look, then her broad neck quivered, and the corners of her lips drooped.

  • 這酒看起來是酒、也有酒的味道,其實這不是酒,而是基督的血。從前達味在聖詠�曾這樣說過:「這餅堅強人心,使人喜形於色,容光煥發。」
    You know also how David referred to this long ago when he sang: Bread gives strength to man’s heart and makes his face shine with the oil of gladness.

  • 喜形於色造句相關


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