
大權獨攬  dà quán dú lǎn







  • 民眾譴責工黨政府試圖大權獨攬
    People are charging the Labour government with bossiness.

  • 香港的最高統治者,大權獨攬
    The highest ruler in Hong Kong, big power only Lan.

  • 總統廢止了憲法,獨攬大權
    The President has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.

  • 在這種體制下,政府官員大權獨攬難以監督。
    Under such a system, officials seize more power and are harder to supervise.

  • 當新總統想獨攬大權時,將領們立即限制了他的行動。
    When the new president tried to become dictator, the generals soon clipped his wings.

  • 1927到1949年間,蔣介石領導的國民黨實行一黨專政,獨攬大權
    Between 1927 and 1949, the Kuomintang headed by Chiang Kai-shek exercised one-party dictatorship and monopolized all state power.

  • 設立一個具體職責模糊,獨攬汽車業大權的職位是奧巴馬計劃的第二部分。
    The second part of Obama’s plan is the creation of an auto czar with vague duties.

  • 很少有獨攬大權的管理者不經過一系列周密考慮就讓他的員工參與重大決定。
    It is rare for any but the most autocratic of managers to make significant decisions involving their staff without some form of consultative process.

  • 美國這種權力分散的體制、多重制約及平衡長期確保了沒有哪個黨派能獨攬大權
    America’s decentralised system and multiple checks and balances have long ensured that no single faction can monopolise power.

  • 大權獨攬、小權分散”,集中概括了毛澤東晚年關於政治體制的基本觀點和主張。
    “Authority is pulled alone, Xiaoquan is dispersive ” , concentration generalized Mao Zedong old age to close the radical point of view at political system and position.

  • 這一類思想、輿論,在明太祖廢除中書省和宰相,獨攬大權之後,依然繼續流行著。
    This type of ideology, public opinion, in the first Ming abolition of executive secretariat and the chief minister, after the monopoly of power still continues to pop forward.

  • 而現在業主委員主任卻獨攬大權,物業小區的事情由他和幾個業主委員會代表說了算。
    Now the owners are all powerful members of the Director, small business property owners by him and several representatives of the Commission alone.

  • 蔣介石施政之道,取法於漢代專制君主的那一套——在官僚等級制度基礎上一人獨攬大權
    His governmental principles were those of the Han despots – political authority centralized in one man, reinforced by a graded bureaucracy.

  • 他本質上傾向民主,但是由於環境所迫不得不大權獨攬,他這麼做正是為了捍衛民主的價值。
    He tended to democracy essentially, but he had to supervise power for defending the democratic value because of outer situation.

  • 按理說,批租土地與發包工程都與這位縣委書記無關,但黃金高大權獨攬,隻能他一個人說了算。
    Logically, land leases and construction contracts are not connected with the county party secretary. However, Huang Jingao grabbed so much power that only his words mattered.

  • 這一任命是星期四北韓立法機構的第一項事務,該機構的存在隻是為了認同共產黨中央獨攬大權
    The appointment was the first order of business Thursday at the North’s legislature, a ceremonial body which exists mainly to approve dictates from the central communist party.

  • 但是,僅僅因為傢庭在做一周計劃時把足球安排等等之類的事情考慮在內並不代表孩子們獨攬大權
    But just because families take into consideration the soccer schedule or what have you when planning their week is not the same as the kids ruling the roost.

  • 自從2004年選舉之後,許多人認為我們已經進入了長期,甚至是永久性被共和黨獨攬大權的時代。
    After the 2004 election, there were many declarations that we’d entered a long-term, perhaps permanent era of Republican dominance.

  • 不過數日,佈拉格就聚集了近五十萬名抗議者。共產黨最後宣佈放棄獨攬大權,並舉行新的公開選舉。
    Within days, nearly half a million protesters were in the city, and the Communist Party announced it would give up its monopoly on power and hold new and open elections.

  • 第三,巴黎春天或許不喜歡福特先生在古奇舊體制下大權獨攬,但是走向另一極端不一定就能解決問題。
    Third, PPR may have disliked Ford’s power within the old regime, but swinging to the opposite model is not necessarily the solution.

  • 他們把大權獨攬的主教制度看作是宗教自由的一種威脅,在過去英國歷史上這種威脅的確存在了很長的時間。
    They saw government by all-powerful bishops as a threat to religious liberty, which it had indeed proven to be for long periods of British history.

  • 他們把大權獨攬的主教制度看作是宗教自*由的一種威脅,在過去英國歷史上這種威脅的確存在了很長的時間。
    They saw government by all-powerful bishops as a threat to religious liberty, which it had indeed proven to be for long periods of British history.

  • 但毛澤東臨死拉屎拉尿都控制不了了還大權獨攬,政黨凌駕與國傢之上與當年的天子凌駕與萬民之上又有什麼區別呢?
    But Mao Zedong still hold his power when he is too old to shit and piss himself. A political party sovereigns a country makes no difference to an emperor over his subject.

  • 梅格決定大權獨攬,她不想出嫁……因此,她過著獨身生活,並且用伊麗莎白女王的專制統治,用高壓手段統治一切。
    Determined to ride the fore – horse herself, Meg would admit no helpmate…and so, in single blessedness and with the despotism of Queen Bess herself, she ruled all matters with a high hand.

  • 還有些聰明之士要求這個獨攬大權的人物,重組汽車公司,迫使這些公司全身心地接受綠色技術以及其他美好的事物。
    Other smart people have called for such a czar to reorganize the companies and force the companies to fully embrace green technology and other good things.

  • 為避免信用貨幣成為儲備貨幣,獨攬大權,我們有必要建立一個新的國際儲備貨幣,而這種貨幣要能夠保持幣值長期穩定。
    To avoid the shortcomings of sovereign credit currencies acting as reserve currencies, we need to create an international reserve currency that can maintain the long-term stability of its value.

  • 當了大官,對人驕傲,百姓就要離開他;職位高,又大權獨攬,國君就會厭惡他;俸祿優厚,卻不滿足,禍患就可能加到他身上。
    “Father 曰 :”Say:The body is expensive already but 驕 person people go to it, is high already but is good at the power gentleman bad of, the 祿 is thick already but discontented infected part it.

  • 不過有一點切勿忘記,雖然男人都喜歡有點兒挑戰性,可是你也不可太過主動,“大權獨攬,完全讓他聽命於你,否則他會漸感沮喪直至厭倦的。
    However, though every man loves challenge, don’t be so active that ignore his feeling. Or else, he will become depress and weary of this sweet process.

  • 在一棟曼哈頓的豪華別墅裡,吉姆·羅傑斯站在一個個可以旋轉移動的小房間之中,說道:“這是一個屬於中國的世紀,是他們獨攬大權,掌控世界的時候了。
    This is the China century, ” says Jim Rogers, standing amid moving boxes in his opulent Manhattan townhouse. “It’s time for them to rule the roost.

  • 穆加貝不再獨攬大權,這固然是一個大的改變,而如今對津巴佈韋國人和那些為他們著想的外部力量來說他們面臨的任務是如何排除一切困難,使這個盡管並不完善的協議生效。
    Mr Mugabe is no longer wholly in charge. That is a huge change. The task now for Zimbabweans and outsiders who wish them well is to try, against the odds, to make a bad deal work.

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