
天崩地裂  tiān bēng dì liè







  • 就算天崩地裂,我也要完成任務。
    Come hell or high water, I’ll finish the task.

  • 即使天崩地裂,我愛你的心永遠不變。
    Even if the sky were to fall, I would still love you forever.

  • 即使天崩地裂,我愛你的心永遠不變。
    Even if the sky were to fall, a I would still love you forever.

  • 三分鐘後,我覺得整個交易大廳天崩地裂
    Three minutes later, the entire trading floor erupted.

  • 第四是自然災害,天崩地裂讓公司一下子沒有了。
    Fourth, natural disasters, allowing companies at no seconds.

  • 即使傷心總是難免的,但不要因此覺得天崩地裂
    Although sad always be hard to avoid, but do not feel the day is cracked dyingly accordingly.

  • 也許我被解雇得正是時候,剛好趕在天崩地裂之前。
    Maybe I had been fired at the perfect time, right before everything fell apart.

  • 如果彼此心裡都牽掛著對方,即使天崩地裂也毫無關系。
    If their hearts are concerned about each other, even if there is no relationship between Dante ‘s Peak.

  • 全部騎兵已經沖上了高地,並且出現了有如天崩地裂的局面。
    All this cavalry debouched on the plateau, and it was like the appearance of an earthquake.

  • 突然天崩地裂洪水泛濫,將大地全部淹沒,隻剩伏羲兄妹二人騎在葫蘆上漂流。
    The whole of the earth was submerged, leaving only Fuxi and Nuwa sailing in a calabash gourd, floating on the river.

  • 大地似乎在天崩地裂之後感到疲憊了,沒有了任何聲響,隻能聽到人們重重的呼吸聲。
    The land seemed tired after shocked and roared. There was no sound but people’s heavy breathing.

  • 大地似乎在天崩地裂之後感到疲憊了,沒有了任何聲響,隻能聽到人們重重的呼吸聲。
    The earth seemed to feel tired after the explosion, without any sound only the heavy breathing could be hurt.

  • 斷想七:在政治生涯中,需要靠山,但山總會有倒的時侯,一旦天崩地裂,靠山又如何!
    Thoughts Seven: the political career, the need for backing, but there will always be brought down by mountain time, once Dante ‘s Peak, backing and how!

  • 天崩地裂之際,災區教師用舍身忘我、拼死保護學生的英勇行為,奏響了最動人的樂章。
    In the earth cracking, teachers’ heroic that sacrificed themselves to protect students set the virtue music.

  • 在中國,不用等到天崩地裂,不用等到天災人禍,金錢早已在人們心中劃上一道道殘忍的傷口。
    In China, Dante ‘s Peak do not have to wait, do not wait until the natural and man-made, money has long been zoned in on people’s minds Road cruel wound together.

  • 一陣陣痛過後,果然產下的是一個“石胎”,一陣天崩地裂,石胎分為兩半,從中迸出了大禹。
    Suddenly the heavens fell and the earth split, and the “Stone Embryo” was divided into 2 parts, which Yu jumped out of.

  • 也許就在剛才,他們還上課、上班,還在田地裡耕作……可在天崩地裂之後,就是無聲無息的痛。
    Perhaps in earlier, they have class, work, the fields are still in farming…… Tianbengdelie, is the silent pain.

  • 新總統會在幾天之內認命經濟團隊的主要成員,以此來安慰投資人,告訴他們保爾森下臺不會天崩地裂
    The president-elect may name the main members of his economic team within days to reassure investors that the replacement of Mr Paulson will be seamless.

  • 這個“存在”既可以“風平浪靜、和風細雨、輕歌曼舞”,還可以“飛沙走石、槍林彈雨、天崩地裂”。
    The “being” can “be calm and tranquil, like a gentle breeze and light rain, sing softly and dance with grace and ease; ”

  • 他們甚至都還沒有時間思考,還沒有來得及躲避——天崩地裂,這場驚天大災也許不曾醞釀,就已讓數萬人罹難。
    They even have no time to reflect on, not enough time to escape – Tianbengdelie, this may not Jingtian major disaster brewing, so that tens of thousands of people have been killed.

  • 1923年時,一場天崩地裂的地震重創了該地區並摧毀了許多建築物,但萊特的帝國飯店卻隻有遭受了一丁點的損傷。
    When a devastating earthquake hit the region in 1923 and destroyed many buildings, Wright’s Imperial Hotel suffered very little damage.

  • 男人不想讓她過早的與女兒交流,他不知道,當多年的謊言揭穿,女兒脆弱幼小的心靈將會是怎樣一種天崩地裂的痛苦。
    ‘Pneumonia, following a chill on the chest’ was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart.

  • 在大學生活的時光中,不論是情愛萌動,還是天崩地裂,或是在劫難逃,她的網友S一直都在她最需要的時候及時送來她需要的慰藉。
    During the life at campus, whenever she was in sweet love or bitter betray, her cyber-mate S always brought comfort and consolation to her.

  • 他從後面使用我,我撐在他的床頭,沒腦子地哼哼著舒服的小調。在一場天崩地裂的極樂之後,我一頭紮進他的枕頭裡,睡的跟死一樣。
    He took me from behind as I clung to his headboard screaming with pleasure until I jolted into an almighty orgasm, dropped my head into his pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

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