
妄自菲薄  wàng zì fěi bó








  • 我們對自己的估計應該實事求是, 不要自高自大, 也不要妄自菲薄
    We must be realistic in our self-estimation, neither being conceited nor belittling ourselves.

  • 老實說,我一直有妄自菲薄的毛病。
    Frankly speaking, I have been have wildly from the thin thin trouble.

  • 我討厭聽你妄自菲薄
    I hate to hear you knocking yourself like that.

  • 太好了!看吧,我跟你說過,千萬別妄自菲薄
    Good for you! See, I told you: Never sell yourself short!

  • 我宣誓,從今往後,讓我珍視自己不再妄自菲薄
    I swear that, from now on, I will treasure rather than underestimate myself.

  • 但我們不因渺小而妄自菲薄,不因無知而自矮三分。
    However, we do not sell ourselves short because of small and not due to ignorance since the short one-third.

  • 所以,請你們不要再妄自菲薄,活出自信,活出陽光!
    So, ask you not to want again improperly belittle oneself, give self-assurance alive, give sunshine alive!

  • 我們呼喚本土“阿裡巴巴”,而本土力量也不應妄自菲薄
    We call for the local community, “Alibaba” and force should not belittle the local community.

  • 他是個實事求是的人,不會因為自己人的戰敗而妄自菲薄
    He was pragmatic enough to take no insult from the defeat of his people.

  • 因此,任何對中國當代藝術的妄自尊大和妄自菲薄都是不明智的。
    Therefore, it is unwise to boast or self-humiliate Chinese contemporary art in any way.

  • 我們高峰人從不因為自身之小而妄自菲薄,因為木棒未必強於針尖。
    All the staff would never underestimate our own capabilities, since the stick is not necessarily weaker than the needlepoint.

  • 擔憂,恐懼,妄自菲薄都重創了我們自己,使我們的精神歸於塵土。
    Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

  • 不要攀比他人而妄自菲薄。每個人都是獨一無二的,每個人都是與眾不同的。
    Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself to others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.

  • 那麼,社會心理學傢如何證明導致暴力行為的是妄自尊大,還是妄自菲薄呢?
    So how does a social psychologist establish whether low or high self-esteem leads to violence?

  • 同學們,今後不可妄自菲薄,自甘平庸,要學會欣賞自己,人生不如意事常八九。
    Students, the future can not sell ourselves short, self-Gan mediocrity, we must learn to appreciate their own life often unhappy things 89.

  • 我們必須提醒全世界,也要互相提醒,香港擁有美好的事物,而不應經常妄自菲薄
    We do need to remind the world, and each other, about the good things of Hong Kong, rather than always doing ourselves down.

  • 這樣你既不會妄自菲薄,也不會妄自尊大,做到謙遜成熟,不斷進取,成功便不招自來。
    This does not belittle you, and are not arrogant, be humble mature and make constant progress, success will not be unsolicited trick.

  • 這沒有什麼不好的,隻是你也別妄自菲薄,對自己要有信心點,沒聽過有自信的人最美最帥嗎?
    This is not what is wrong, but you also do not belittle, to have confidence in ourselves, too self-confident heard the most beautiful people?

  • 在這些例子裡,自尊的確是導致暴力行為的重要因素,但是關鍵在於妄自尊大,而不是妄自菲薄
    These examples suggest that self-esteem is indeed an important cause of aggression—high, that is, not low self-esteem.

  • 俱樂部一系列的舉動,似乎在向外界傳遞著一個信息:廣州不能因為一場大比分輸球,就妄自菲薄
    Club a series of actions, as if are approaching the outside to transmit an information: Guangzhou cannot, because a great score loses the game, improperly belittles oneself.

  • 我們真正要做的是實現自身價值,治愈自己的傷口,杜絕妄自菲薄,這樣這些傷口再也不會淌血了。
    Our true work, then, is to build our self-worth, to heal our wounds and our false images of unworthiness so that they no longer bleed.

  • 這就是吃豪邁大氣的中餐還是選擇細膩精制的日本料理了,你羨慕別人別人還羨慕你呢。不要妄自菲薄
    They’re the choices of Chinese food and Japanese food. You admire others and others admire you, too. Don’t improperly belittle yourself.

  • 的確,中國當代的崛起和發展存在著種種的缺陷和不足,甚至存在著種種的危機,但我們不能妄自菲薄
    Really, Chinese contemporary of rising exist various blemishes and shortage with development, even exist various crisises, but we can’t be thin from the wildly.

  • 對於這點我並非妄自菲薄,我隻是承認我的不足,但是我想強調的是我的其它優點完全可以彌補這些不足。
    At this point I don’t look down on myself. I admit that I have some shortcomings, but these can be totally compensated by my other advantages. This is what I want to emphasize.

  • 西西在信中一個勁兒地叫我不要妄自菲薄,而且還勸我放下思想包袱,說她會永遠陪在我的身邊永遠支持我。
    Cici always asked me not to deny myself in her letters. Also she persuaded me to leave the burden, saying that she will accompany and support me for ever.

  • 不得不承認我是松了口氣。“可別妄自菲薄,想當初你可是船上的大帥哥,紅人哦。”我心情愉悅的和他開玩笑。
    Are you laughing at me?I feel so lonely now. You are my best friend, the only one in my heart. How about you?

  • 我曾經妄自菲薄的稱自己對設計藍圖和演化設計都比較均衡的設計者,所以我認為演化設計更適用於更廣泛的開發者。
    And I have the arrogant opinion that I am an above average designer, so I think evolutionary design would be even more useful for a wider range of people.

  • 我曾經妄自菲薄的稱自己是對設計藍圖和演化設計都比較均衡的設計者,但是現在我認為演化設計更適用於更廣泛的開發者。
    And I have the arrogant opinion that I am an above average designer, so I think evolutionary design would be even more useful for a wider range of people.

  • 我宣誓,從今往後,讓我珍視自己不再妄自菲薄。自卑不再糾纏曾經迷失的心靈,任何時候,會想到成功並不是美好的泡影。
    I swear, from now on, I will prize myself instead of blaming. I am not inferior to anybody. Success is not just pretty mirage.

  • 我們既不能盲目肯定孩子,也不能盲目否定孩子,應該實事求是地讓孩子認識真實的自己,正確評價自我,既不會盲目自大,也不會妄自菲薄
    We could not approve or disapprove our children blindly. We should treat them practical and make them realize and evaluate themselves properly—do not self-conceited and do not belittle themselves.

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