
敬而遠之  jìng ér yuǎn zhī








  • 我們對經理總是敬而遠之
    We always stand in awe of our manager.

  • 水仙的球莖有毒,所幸鹿們對它們敬而遠之
    Narcissus bulbs are poisonous so thankfully deer avoid them.

  • 有時侯老虎走近些,但對驢子還是敬而遠之
    Sometimes the tiger ventured a little nearer, still keeping a respectful distance however.

  • 對付壞人的最好辦法是遠而避之。敬而遠之
    The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between.

  • 對付壞人的最好辦法是遠而避之。(敬而遠之。)
    The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between.

  • 客戶們對麥肯錫所津津樂道的“大”決定仍然敬而遠之
    Client remain fearful of big decisions of the kind that McKinsey likes to advise on.

  • 這位人士稱,在貸款市場,其它銀行都對瑞銀敬而遠之
    In lending markets, other banks were shying away from UBS, this person said.

  • 所以,無論什麼時候,我們還是對陽光敬而遠之比較好。
    Therefore, whenever, we do keep at a respectful distance to the sunlight are quite good.

  • 一旦被告知是艾滋感染者後,周圍的居民等自然敬而遠之
    Once the HIV-infected person was told that after the residents of the surrounding natural distanced themselves from him.

  • 農民歷是中國流傳千年的智慧,但繁雜的內容卻也常令人敬而遠之
    The Chinese calendar is full of wisdom passed down through thousands of years in China, but its complicated nature often deters people from using it.

  • 頭頂兩隻尖角,體重約600公斤的公牛是多數人敬而遠之的動物。
    With two sharp horns and weighing in at about 600 kilograms, a bull is one animal most people do not want to get close to.

  • 這隻熊從鄰居傢的樹上欣賞風景時,維斯考森的居民不得不敬而遠之
    And residents in one Wisconsin town stayed away as this bear enjoyed the view from a neighborhood tree.

  • 直到現在我也沒想出更好的辦法戰勝小人,不知道敬而遠之是否可行。
    Until now I have thought a better way to defeat the villain, I do not know the feasibility of arm’s length.

  • 有一部分的年輕人之所以對華文書報敬而遠之,其實是不必要的心理因素。
    Psychological factors also cause some young people to shy away from Chinese publications.

  • 自由選民現在或許當心又出現一個醜聞不斷的克林頓政府而對她敬而遠之了。
    Independent voters may now flinch about the nastiness of a Clinton White House.

  • 藝術傢對自然科學望而生畏,敬而遠之,原因之一是裡面有一大堆高深的數學公式。
    A mountain of profound mathematic formulas (formulae) contribute to one of the reasons that keeps artists far away from natural science.

  • 銀河證券分析師張衛國指出,對於這種賭博式的品種,理性的投資者應該敬而遠之
    Galaxy Securities analyst Zhang Weiguo pointed out that for such gambling-type varieties, rational investors should shy away.

  • 臭豆腐聞起來臭。吃起來香。有些人對它敬而遠之。有些人則將吃它當成了一種嗜好。
    The fermented bean curd smells like smelly and eat joss-stick. some people to it respect but far of. some people will then eat it to be a kind of habit.

  • 毫無疑問,聖門弟子對穆聖這位領袖、教師、先知的尊敬與愛戴,絕不會讓他們敬而遠之
    No doubt, the respect and love the Companions had for the Prophet as a leader, a teacher and a prophet never made him unapproachable to them.

  • 我喜歡並習慣於對那些變幻莫測的東西敬而遠之,隻有通過這種方式我才會懂得什麼可以永恒。
    I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things. Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time.

  • 即使你對歌劇敬而遠之,沃森還是能令你在這一個小時內讓你欣賞歌劇的一個十分出色的藝術傢。
    Even if the thought of opera makes you cringe, Watson is still an amazing artist who might just convert you for an hour or so.

  • 許多少女因為怕胖而對肉類敬而遠之,她們忽視了一點:肉類所含的鐵質對人的聰明才智相當重要。
    Many girls keep a distance from meat because they think that eating meat will make them fat, but they neglect that the iron element in meat plays an important part in human intelligence.

  • 這絕對是最冒險的一對搭檔。情緒化的魚兒隻會讓你敬而遠之,最終可憐的魚兒也會受到傷害。關鍵字。
    This is a pretty dicey combination. The Fish’s emotional blackmail only drives you further away. This Pisces is likely to end up hurt and confused.

  • 這,將給他帶來巨大困難,尤其是如果失望之極的尼日利亞西部支持者對國傢更加敬而遠之(鬧獨立?)。
    This will cause huge difficulties for him, especially if Nigeria’s disillusioned Western backers give the country a wider berth.

  • 水瓶-雙魚:這絕對是最冒險的一對搭檔。情緒化的魚兒隻會讓你敬而遠之,最終可憐的魚兒也會受到傷害。
    AQUARIUS & PISCES: This is a pretty dicey combination. The Fish’s emotional blackmail only drives you further away. This Pisces is likely to end up hurt and confused.

  • 為了在視覺上產生暖烘烘的感覺,應選擇明亮的色彩為主要背景色,對缺乏透明度與純凈感的色彩要敬而遠之
    To nice and warm feeling produces on the vision, should choose bright color to be main setting color, want stay at a respectful distance from sb to lacking the colour of diaphaneity and pure feeling.

  • 他對潑冷水者敬而遠之,卻教育了我們所有人,作世界上最受歡迎的球星和作最傑出的運動員,有時並不矛盾。
    He shunned the cynics and taught us all that there does not necessarily have to be a contradiction between the most popular player in the world and the No. 1 sportsman.

  • 與這樣的前輩一起工作,孫滋總是感覺到一種壓力,采取了敬而遠之的態度,除非是工作的需要才與他多說幾句話。
    With such predecessors, to work together, Sun Zi always felt a strong pressure to adopt the attitude of the arm’s length, except when necessary to work with him to say a few words.

  • 此種特質常被視為自私與不切實際,可能會表現為從“有點兒古怪”到“敬而遠之”間的任何程度,隨問題的嚴重性而不同。
    These individuals usually come across as selfish and unrealistic. Depending on how serious the problem is, they may appear to be anything from “a bit eccentric” to “way out there”.

  • “分形理論初步”是為數學專業開設的一門專業選修課程,由於其較高的理論深度,常常使得學生對這門課程的理論學習敬而遠之
    “Elementary theory on fractal” is an optional course of the specialty for mathematics. The course requires a profound foundation, so students are afraid of learning it.

  • 敬而遠之造句相關


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