
離心離德  lí xīn lí dé








  • 曾子說:“在上位的人離開了正道,百姓早就離心離德了。
    Zeng Zi said:”Those that are above are wayward, people below would be disoriented.”

  • 許多工業工作越來越單調刻板,導致很多工人離心離德的傾向。
    The increasingly dull nature of many industrial jobs has led to the alienation of many workers.

  • 許多工業工作越來越單調刻板,導致很多工作離心離德的傾向。
    The increasingly dull nature of many industrial jobs has led to the alienation of many workers.

  • 她說,不要表現出敵對情緒,不要讓人覺得你與公司離心離德
    Don’t be belligerent or appear to be working at cross purposes with the company, she says.

  • 在任何地方總是活躍著使人們離心離德和使人們團結一致的力量。
    In every land there are always at workforces that drive men apart and forces that draw men together.

  • 所以,治軍無方的將領不能讓他統率軍隊,離心離德的軍隊不能用以攻伐故人。
    Thus a general that is not able to manage and control an army should not lead his troops, a rebellious army should not be used against an enemy.

  • 這種行為引起民族工商業界的不滿,使統治集團與原先支持自己的人們離心離德
    Such actions, which alienated native industrialists, merchants and others, tended to isolate the ruling group from quarters that had hitherto supported them.

  • 在精神文化上,助長腐朽思想,動搖並瓦解群眾信念,構成對執政黨離心離德的傾向。
    In spirit and culture, it will abet decadent idea, shake people”s faith, led to dissension and discord to the party in power.”

  • 反之,黨的領導幹部以權謀私,群眾就議論黨、埋怨黨,時間長了就會和黨離心離德
    Conversely, the leader cadre malpractice of the party, masses is eristic party, blame a party, time grew to be able to be mixed party dissension and discord.

  • 然而今天的很多傢庭卻明顯有問題:夫妻同床異夢,父母子女離心離德,兄弟姐妹反目成仇。
    Yet many families today are clearly troubled. Alienation often exists between husband and wife, between parents and children, or among brothers and sisters.

  • 由此帶來的,是幹部與群眾的離心離德,是經濟發展的停滯,是黨的執政地位受到極大威脅。
    The resultant, centrifugal cadres and the masses from Germany, is the stagnation of economic development, is the party’s ruling position to be at great risk.

  • 戰爭確實是結束了,而後患卻仍然揮之不去,繼續擾亂俄羅斯,搞得車臣上上下下與其離心離德
    The war is indeed over, but its legacy continues to poison and haunt Russia. Its methods have spread far beyond Chechnya to reach Moscow.

  • 有時對已經無可救藥的離心離德或長期沉溺於痛苦或不幸的人們來說離婚是一種解脫、一種自救。
    Sometimes it provides salvation for people who have grown hopelessly apart or frozen in patterns of pains or mutual unhappiness.

  • 而一切不利於抗日和團結的,鼓動群眾離心離德的,反對進步、拉著人們倒退的東西,便都是壞的。
    on the other hand, everything is bad that is detrimental to unity and resistance to Japan, foments dissension and discord among the masses and opposes progress and drags people back.

  • 就是說,父親必須以身作則,否則,無法團結教育子女,履行父親的管教責任,甚至可能導致父子反目、離心離德
    That is to say, a father must set a good example for his children, for otherwise it would be impossible to unify, instruct and bring them up, or, worse still, they might turn against him.

  • 縱使是最盡心組織的打定也難絡續,要供認這點可能很難,但卻是必需的,倘使不想在事離心離德之時過於難過的話。
    Accepting that even the most carefully organised of plans won’t last long may be difficult, but it’s essential if you’re to avoid being upset when things fall apart, and on several fronts.

  • 但是,那些那些誠心改正,擁有真誠的心,做出善良舉動的人往往能得到不會孤獨,你的上帝,會單獨創造和選擇他想要的,其他人不會為他的選擇而離心離德
    But those who repent, have faith and do good may receive Salvation. Your Lord, alone, creates and chooses as He will, and others have no part in His choice;

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