
竹籃打水  zhú lán dá shuǐ







  • 醫生:(笑)四個字:竹籃打水
    Therapist: (smiling) Three words: house in Umbria.

  • 竹籃打水—-─場空。
    Drawing water in a bamboo basket.

  • 但是封鎖在線內容就如同竹籃打水,白費力氣。
    But blocking online content is like using a sieve to stop the flow of water.

  • 而死不放手,最終或許也隻會是竹籃打水一場空。
    And absolutely refuse to to let go, also be being met finally only probably is an all in vain.

  • 買二手房到頭來“竹籃打水一場空”的情況越來越多。
    Housing will buy second-hand “as futile as carrying water in a bamboo” increasing.

  • 與此同時,英國政府正趕著避免類似的竹籃打水一場空。
    Meanwhile, the British government is scrambling to avert a similar fiasco.

  • 贏傢用不同的方法賺錢,輸傢由於沖動而竹籃打水一場空。
    Winners make money in different ways, while all losers fall into the same wastebasket of impulsivity.

  • 實在是“竹籃打水一場空”,還要加句“賠了夫人又折兵”。
    Is really “the bamboo basket fetches water spatial”, but must add the sentence “to compensate madame to fold the soldier”.

  • 天殺的羅利拿了隨身聽竟然忘記拿電池,所以我們是竹籃打水一場空。
    But Rowley forgot to put batteries in his CD player, so it was pretty much worthless.

  • 阿森納對吉奧文科也很感興趣,佐拉認為他們很可能會竹籃打水一場空。
    Arsenal are also very interested in snapping up the youngster, but Zola feels they are all going to be left empty-handed.

  • 如果等到本賽季結束之後讓馬裡昂成為自由球員,熱火隊將是竹籃打水一場空。
    If you wait until after the end of the season to allow Marion to become free agent, the Heat will be empty.

  • 一有征地補償,不是一賭而光,就是花大錢搞違章建設,結果竹籃打水一場空。
    One have the compensation that ask for the ground, either be betted and smooth, spend big money to do violate the rules and regulations to build namely, result all in vain.

  • 業內人士分析,此次不理想的收購時機在短期內很可能讓CBS竹籃打水一場空。
    The personage inside course of study is analysed, this unfavorable buys an opportunity to be in short-term inside let CBS all in vain probably.

  • 設想一下,如果一個木桶沒有底板或者底板不堅實,結果必然是竹籃打水一場空。
    Imagine if a wooden floor or no floor is not solid, the results must be empty.

  • 尊者說得不錯,人的問題就在於鎮日追求新奇,結果當然是竹籃打水,永遠無法滿足。
    The sage was right. The problem with human beings was that they pursued novelty all day long. The result was like using a bamboo basket to fetch water. They would never be satisfied.

  • 我是采用了一些出格的手段才把錢拿回來的,不然真可能會變成竹籃打水――一場空。
    I used a number exceed what is proper means only get back the money, otherwise it may become strain every effort — nothing.

  • 例如如果我們用竹籃打水我們不能取道,因此我們不應該把精力浪費在一些笨方法上。
    For example, we can get no water if we use a basket to fetch water . Therefore , we should not waste energy on some stupid ways .

  • 否則用什麼方式都會是竹籃打水一場空,不但讓員工受到影響,還會讓自己的企業受到影響。
    Otherwise, what will be an empty way, not only for staff to be affected, but also to make their businesses were affected.

  • 像陳女士一樣,那些為子而遷落戶東山的傢長,擔心新的區域合並會讓他們“竹籃打水一場空”。
    Like Ms Chan, who as son and move up Dongshan parents worried that the merger would allow them to the new regional “as futile as carrying water in a bamboo.”

  • 所以,選來選去,左哄右騙,到頭來,或許,往往弄得竹籃打水一場空,受到傷害最大的還是自己。
    Therefore, the election to election, and left to coax the right to deceive, the end of the day, perhaps, often lead to empty, or hurt themselves the most.

  • 律師認為,之所以近來“竹籃打水一場空”的情況越來越多,正是與沒有規范簽訂定金合同有密切關系。
    Counsel submits that the reason the recent “as futile as carrying water in a bamboo” Increasingly, it is not regulated and signed purchase contracts related.

  • 而如果無法順利在市場上找到合適交易,到賽季結束,成為完全自由球員的畢比會讓球隊竹籃打水一場空。
    But if was unable to find the appropriate transaction smoothly in the market, will finish to the season, becomes the completely free player’s bibby to let the team bamboo basket fetch water spatial.

  • 充分開發你的潛能,利用你的潛意識,幫助你達成目標,反之,則如竹籃打水,到頭來一無所獲,空自嘆耳。
    We must develop our potential ability, avail ourselves of latent minds, thus obtaining our goals; oppositely, your fruits will be nothing but sighing vacantly.

  • 選對適合企業發展的人才是基礎和關鍵,如果基礎得不好,後面的環節做得再好,也是竹籃打水,徒勞而已。
    Selection of proper talents to the development of the company is the key and foundation, if without a well-laid foundation, the following links will be futile no matter how well it is performed.

  • 從在洗臉池或浴缸痛失珍貴之物的經驗中衍化出了這樣一個習語,意指傾註全力去做某事,到頭來卻是竹籃打水
    From the sad reality of losing a cherished object down a sink or bathtub drain comes this idiom, meaning to do or attempt to do something that ultimately will be lost forever.

  • 盡管討論可能竹籃打水,或者證實隻不過是傳媒公司在同谷歌沒完沒了的談判中使出的伎倆,此消息還是掀起一陣風雲。
    Although the discussions may come to naught, or prove a mere ploy in the media firm’s ongoing negotiations with Google, the news caused a stir.

  • 朱先生說,辛辛苦苦和他人悶在一起排隊等候,沒有吃飯,廁所都不敢去上,人身自由受到限制,到最後仍然“竹籃打水一場空”。
    Mr Chu said, and others worked together queues boring, no food, no toilet dare, liberty is restricted, in the end still “as futile as carrying water in a bamboo.”

  • 可惜竹籃打水一場空,因為那裡被造得有點像人民公社,有著毛主席語錄和露天大食堂,而人們卻沒有如他們所設想的那麼懷念過去的艱苦歲月。
    In vain: their efforts to make it look a bit like a commune, with Maoist slogans and open-air dining hall, may have overestimated nostalgia for the bad old days.

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