
罪孽深重  zuì niè shēn zhòng








  • 罪孽深重的統治者沒有希望。
    The ungodly ruler has no hope.

  • 媽媽說:“他們破壞森林,他們罪孽深重。”
    ” Mom said: “They destroy forests, they are sinful.

  • 和尚由於罪孽深重,在陰問遭受了刀砍鋸斷的懲罰。
    Because bonze is sinful, ask in shade suffered a knife to throw the penalty that curiums.

  • 這不是我的拳造成的,而是你過去罪孽深重,自取滅亡…
    It is not my fist, but your past sins that will kill you…

  • 啊,我知道,每個人都想要蹂躪那罪孽深重的漂亮孩子!
    Oh, I know. Everyone would ravage a guilty cunning child!

  • 接納這罪孽深重的世界的本相,而非自己所期望那個世界。
    This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it.

  • 那麼,現在請告訴我,於我們之中,誰罪孽深重,誰清白無辜?
    Tell me now, who among us is guilty and who is unguilty?

  • 天主說:“所多瑪和蛾摩拉地方罪孽深重,怨聲已傳達我耳中。”
    So the Lord said, There is a great outcry over Sodom and Gomorrah; their sin is very grave.

  • 他認為,如果小的罪惡馬上改掉,就不會釀成大錯以至罪孽深重
    If lesser sins were dealt with sooner, fewer people would commit serious crimes, he felt.

  • 盡管罪孽深重,現代金融還是值得挽救的,隻是看起來有些任重道遠。
    For all its mistakes, modern finance is worth saving—and the job looks as if it is still only half done.

  • 9看笑話: 小呆覺得自己罪孽深重,所以他決定到教堂去找神父告解。
    9 see joke: Small slow-witted feel oneself are sinful, so he decides to look for Abba to accuse solution to cathedral.

  • 隻有當以賽亞明白自己罪孽深重,他才能感謝並接受上帝的赦免和洗滌。
    Only when Isaiah understood the depth of his sin could he appreciate and accept forgiveness and cleansing from God.

  • 是的,罪孽深重的人需要一位偉大的救主,贊美神,最終的結果便是神跡。
    Trust me. ” It could be so. Great sinners need a great Saviour and the result, praise God, is always a great miracle.”

  • 答案尚不明朗,但是本周這場罪孽深重的暴行也許改變了這一問題的答案。
    In the face of the implacable evil witnessed this week, the answer may have changed.

  • 當您和苦難的藏人團聚的時候,敬請您慈悲的光芒,也眷顧罪孽深重的中國大地。
    When you are reunited with the suffering Tibetan people, please extend the warm light of your benevolence to care upon the heavy sins of China’s vast land.

  • 這在當地引起了他們征聘的男子們對其信念的懷疑,即西方文化和科學是罪孽深重
    It’s aroused suspicion locally for some time with its recruitment of young men and with its belief that the western culture and science are sinful.

  • 這是一本記錄善行和惡行的書。你們這些人殺生太多,罪孽深重。你們最好小心點!
    This is a record of good deeds and bad deeds. There are a lot of debts due for all you people’s killing. You had better watch out!

  • 關於朱莉亞對罪孽深重的感情爆發和馬奇梅因臨終獨白的處理,我心裡是猶豫不決的。
    I have been in two minds as to the treatment of Julia’s outburst about mortal sin and lord Marchmain’s dying soliloquy.

  • 關於朱莉亞對罪孽深重的感情爆發和馬奇梅因臨終獨白的處理,我心裡是猶豫不決的。
    as to the treatment of Julia’s outburst about mortal sin and lord Marchmain’s dying soliloquy.

  • 雖然我的記憶在衰退,有兩件事我記得清楚——我是一個罪孽深重的人,基督是我的救主。
    Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly. I’m a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.

  • 想一想上帝忍受的痛苦吧,他把他唯一的親生兒送到罪孽深重的地球上,生活在人類中間。
    Think of the pain that God has borne, sending down His only begotten Son, to dwell among men on the sinful earth.

  • 三年前,本篤曾希望健康安理會斟酌,使用安全套是否沒有放任致死病毒那樣“罪孽深重”。
    Three years ago Pope Benedict was willing for his council for health to consider whether condom use would be a “lesser evil” than allowing the spread of a deadly virus.

  • 承受這個罪孽深重的世界,讓我免於其禍,懷抱信念,相信它能夠矯枉過正,讓我臣服它的意旨。
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is and not as I would have it.

  • 弟子昔日罪孽深重,幸得觀音大士指點迷津,現在已一心皈依我佛,絕不會再留戀人世間半點情欲。
    It’s lucky that Goddess show a right road to me. Now I’m gonna worship Buddha wholeheartedly, I won’t feel reluctant to give up human desires.

  • 他看到雖然上帝的子民要為自己所遭遇的一切負全責,但是上帝並沒有永遠地棄絕這個罪孽深重的民族。
    He sees that only God’s people are to blame for what’s happened to them, yet God hasn’t rejected his sinful nation forever.

  • 11月德國衡量制造業活力的采購經理指數(PMI)跌至與罪孽深重的英國幾乎同一水平,這也是創紀錄的低點。
    In November, Germany’s purchasing-managers index (PMI), a gauge of manufacturing’s vitality, slumped to a level scarcely higher than that of sinful Britain, which is also at a record low.

  • 而世間貪欲卻不斷侵蝕這些無罪的花朵罪孽深重的人卻在判斷著是非曲直凡人卻把天使控於股掌之間啊!天庭的深處怎麼有憤怒的雷鳴在攪動!
    The want that saps their sinless flower Speaks judgment on sin’s ministers. Man holds an angel in his power. Ah! deep in Heaven what thunder stirs.

  • 而世間貪欲卻不斷侵蝕這些無罪的花朵罪孽深重的人卻在判定著是非曲直凡人卻把天使控於股掌之間啊!天庭的深處怎麼有憤怒的雷鳴在攪動!
    The want that saps their sinless flower Speaks judgment on sin’s ministers. Man holds an angel in his power. Ah! deep in Heaven what thunder stirs.

  • 同樣在波蘭的安東尼·斯隆也同意這一點。他又補充說,喜歡重金屬音樂的學生以選用“罪孽深重的”、“靜脈”和“凋謝”之類的詞語而出名。
    Anthony Sloan, also based in Poland, agrees, and adds that students that are into Heavy Metal, have been known to pick up words like “sinful, ” “6)veins” and “7)wither. ”

  • “你總算逃過了我!”他一再地重復說。“你總算逃過了我!”“願上帝饒恕你吧!”牧師說。“你,同樣是罪孽深重的!”他從那老人的身上取回了失神的目光,緊緊盯著那女人和孩子。
    “Thou hast escaped me! ” he repeated more than once. “Thou hast escaped me! “”May God forgive thee! ” said the minister. “Thou, too, hast deeply sinned! ”

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