
罪有應得  zuì yǒu yīng dé








  • 這些罪犯被關在監牢是罪有應得
    Those criminals deserve to be locked up in jail.

  • 他們受到的懲罰完全是罪有應得
    They got the punishment they so richly deserved.

  • 如果他的脖子斷了那是他罪有應得
    Serve him right if he had broken his neck.

  • 他的工廠生產次品,罪有應得
    His factory made faulty goods and deserved the punishment.

  • 就象你說的,這些壞人是罪有應得的。
    Like you said, those bad people deserve to be punished.

  • 埃尼斯哈哈大笑,說那你是罪有應得
    Ennis laughed a little and said he probably deserved it.

  • 他因為賭博進了警局,真是罪有應得
    He was arrested and sent to jail for gambling, and he deserved the punishment.

  • 他們是罪有應得嗎?那種痛苦、死亡?
    are they themselves to blame, the misery, the pain?

  • 他被送進監獄是罪有應得
    He deserved to be sent to prison.

  • 如果他的不法行徑最終讓他得到審判,那他也是罪有應得
    If civil action finally results in his trial, he deserves.

  • 罪有應得,因為他犯下許多危害社會的駭人聽聞的罪行。
    He deserved his punishment, for he had committed many horrible crimes against society.

  • 該專傢表示,專業炒傢擾亂市場雖然罪有應得,但罪不至死。
    The expert said that although fully professional speculators disrupt the market, but not until the crime.

  • 神的子民流亡異邦,本是罪有應得,然而神卻不會丟棄他們。
    God would not abandon his people in exile as they deserved.

  • 有好的,勇敢的人,而平靜的、明智的人,和他們罪有應得
    There were the good ones, and the brave ones, and the calm ones and the sensible ones, and they deserved it.

  • 畢凱>「把監視器關掉。就算博格人罪有應得,我也看不下去了。」
    Turn off the monitors. I can’t stand to watch, not even the Borg deserve that.

  • 我拿抹佈,憤懣的為埃德加擦臉和嘴,覺得他多管閑事是罪有應得
    I got the dishcloth, rather spitefully scrubbed Edgar’s nose mouth, affirming it served him right for meddling.

  • 死刑是一種報仇方式,讓犯人罪有應得,讓與受害者有關的人獲得最終的解決。
    Capital punishment is one form of revenge, which seeks adequacy for the offence, closure for those bonded to the victims.

  • 猶如驚現的兆劫,我無法逃脫這宿命,唯有你的聲音讓我聆聽,這是我罪有應得
    Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me, and your voice was all I heard, did I get what I deserve.

  • 在昨晚冠軍杯0比2輸給佛羅倫薩之後,傑米-卡拉格承認利物浦完全罪有應得
    Jamie Carragher admitted Liverpool got what they deserved after the Reds crashed to a 2-0 Champions League defeat in Florence last night.

  • 沒有人回答我們,自然正以我們罪有應得的方式報復我們,隻因為人類粗魯的行為。
    No one can answer us, the al rapture is giving back what we deserved because of our rude be heavier.

  • 貝蒂被控謀殺她的第五任丈夫,但支持她的人認為她的丈夫對她虐待多年,罪有應得
    Betty Lou Beets was killed by lethal injection after being convicted of murdering her fifth husband.

  • 他說伊拉克前獨裁者:“是罪有應得,這是他一直拒絕承認的的他的暴政受害者給他的公正評價。”
    He said that the former Iraqi dictator “was executed after receiving a fair trial — the kind of justice he denied the victims of his brutal regime.”

  • 當我們說“他罪有應得”這樣的話時,我們有幾分承認某些特定情況已使公正本身能夠自行發揮其作用。
    When we use a phrase like “it serves him right, ” we are, in part, admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord.

  • 大部分中國網民認為,陳德通罪有應得,而一些人則質疑陳德通是否應該被引渡回國,在中國被執行死刑。
    A majority of Chinese web users thought that Chen deserved it, while some questioned whether Chen should be extradited and executed in China.

  • 一道則是通往失敗,可這兩條大道是相通的,因為失敗是成功之母嘛,但失敗的盡頭就是罪有應得的傢了!
    one is the path to failure, but this two are interlinked Avenue, because the failure is the mother of success Well, but failed at the end of the home is guilty of the !

  • 男人“表現出更多的復仇欲,他們在看到不公正的的人受到罪有應得的體罰時似乎感到心滿意足”,領導研究的塔尼亞。
    Men “expressed more desire for revenge and seemed to feel satisfaction when unfair people were given what they perceived as deserved physical punishment, ” said Dr.

  • 今天的經濟危機部分原因是佈什造成的。佈什得個感冒害得全世界傷風。所以佈什罪有應得,但這不關中國領導人任何事!
    Wen Jiabao, today’s economic crisis some of the caused by Bush, Bush god cold then all the world sneezing now. so deserved it, but not any of Chinese Leaders deserved it.

  • 王華說,被親人拋棄是非常痛苦的,但自己罪有應得,當初母親求他戒毒,他大罵母親後將傢裡的電視抱出去賣了換毒品。
    Wang said that the relatives were abandoned is very painful, but their Zuiyouyingde, when his mother for drug treatment, his mother will be calling the TV at home have sold out for the drug.

  • 對那些犯錯但願意自我檢討的人而言,上帝的責罵懲罰是令他們痛苦的,因為他們一方面覺得自己罪有應得,一方面覺得讓上帝憂心是很不對的。
    His chiding is very painful to those who are true, because they feel how sadly they deserve it and how wrong it is on their part to grieve Him.

  • 因為,我一直認為美國人不管是心理還是身體都是非常強壯的,這點小事故對他們來說隻是小菜一碟,他們簡直“罪有應得”(真不知道我當時為什麼會有這麼大的民族偏見)。
    Because I thought Americans were always strong both in mind and body, and this sort of accident was probably just a piece of cake to them. I even thought they deserved this at all.

  • 罪有應得造句相關


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