
自欺欺人  zì qī qī rén








  • 老實說罷,這是自欺欺人的夢話。
    Putting it bluntly, this is dream talk.

  • 對於關系自欺欺人是你的困難。
    Self-deception about relationships is a problem.

  • 民族主義是一種自欺欺人的權力欲望。
    Nationalism is a self-deceiving the power of desire.

  • 最後明白,那不過自欺欺人
    Finally understand that self-deception, however.

  • 有些是一廂情願的自欺欺人
    Some are self-deceit of one side.

  • 說忘記,那是自欺欺人,自己在騙自己。
    Said forget that it is self-deception , cheating on their own .

  • 這些方法都是自欺欺人的。
    All these methods are based on self-delusion.

  • 一種自欺欺人,,我可以做的完美無瑕,!
    A kind of self-deception, I can do perfect!

  • 自欺欺人地認為你可以掐算準市場何時觸底。
    Don’t kid yourself that you can time the bottom of the market perfectly.

  • 我們不能再自欺欺人把主任當成一個誠實的人。
    We should not delude ourselves into thinking the dean was an honest man.

  • 夠可以的,兄弟你是在自娛自樂啊,自欺欺人啊!
    You can do anything you set your mind to, man!

  • 掩蓋寂寞,沒落的方式總是有點自欺欺人的味道。
    Conceal the loneliness, the way the decline of taste is always a little self-deception.

  • 自我價值方面,不要自欺欺人,這可能會讓你誤入歧途。
    Self-deception regarding your own worth may lead you down the wrong path.

  • 萊納多:你在自欺欺人,裡昂。想想薩拉的感受是什麼樣的…?
    Rinaldo: You dishonor yourself, Leon. How do you think Sara feels…?!

  • 如今他已經知道人總是自欺欺人,他懂得人的虛榮心有多麼驚人。
    He knew by now that men were liars, he knew how extravagant was their vanity.

  • 我們能自欺欺人的認為現在的湖人隊打的很好征服了自己的球迷嗎?
    Can we stipulate, please, that the Lakers are vastly superior to most of the people they’ve been playing lately?

  • 後現代主義者批判它有所偏袒,自欺欺人,最終導致了西方文明最為詬病之處。
    Post-modernists attack it for being biased, self-deluded and ultimately responsible for the worst in Western civilisation.

  • 會在生病的時候躺到床上而不是自欺欺人的認為那一天地球沒有我就不再轉動;
    I would never have bought anying thing just because it was practical , would not show soil or was guaranteed to last a life time.

  • 如果你想大部分人一樣,用一個自欺欺人的想法把自己躲起來,覺得事情會自己消去。
    Well, if you’re like most people, you’ll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out.

  • 盡管切爾西目前排名第二,但是統計數據顯示兩隊的差距並不大(自欺欺人,賊人膽虛)。
    Although Chelsea are currently second in the league, the statistics suggest that there is not much to separate the two teams.

  • 我認為你可能已經有答案了,但你居然還敢在這裡自欺欺人…請不要再瞎扔石頭亂說話了!
    I think you might know the answer but are to afraid to make an idiot of yourself on the Manu forum… Please stop throwing stones!

  • 主觀讓我們失去了對事情正確的判斷,於是我們開始逃避,借口用來遮掩的同時也自欺欺人
    We have lost so subjective things on the right judgement, so we started to evade the pretext used to cover also the self-deception.

  • 這有點自欺欺人,因為你不會知道互斥鎖什麼時候會被釋放,而長時間的輪轉會造成效率低下。
    This situation is a bit tricky because you don’t know when this might occur, and long spin times will result in poor performance.

  • 神經質、健忘、多愁善感、想像豐富、自欺欺人等等都是雙魚座的形像詞,當然,這也是我的形像詞。
    Nervousness, forgetfulness, sentimental, rich imagination, self-deception and so the image of Pisces is the word, of course, is my image of the word.

  • 所以有貪官大都信神拜佛之談,隻不過是為了找一種心靈寄托,釋放一些心中的恐懼,自欺欺人罷了。
    Most of the letter so there corrupt worship of God-talk, only to find a spiritual sustenance, the release of some of the hearts of fear, self-deception Bale.

  • 當曼聯球迷還在自欺欺人地說他們不在意泰維斯離隊﹐但現實是該阿根廷球員的離開已經削弱了他們的前鋒線。
    While United fans are now pretending they were never that bothered about Carlos Tevez, the departure of the Argentine has weakened their front line.

  • 我們故作姿態,我們自以為很重要,我們自欺欺人地認定人類在宇宙中的特權地位,這一切都被這個白光中的小點推翻了。
    Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileGoogle Earthd position in the Universe, are challenGoogle Earthd by this point of pale light.

  • 它是一種極大的自信來源,知道你有一部分還從未被你所做的事碰觸過,無論那些事可能有多麼的自欺欺人,多麼的有害。
    It can be a source of tremendous self-confidence to know that there is a part of you that is untouched by anything you have ever done, no matter how deluded and harmful that may have been.

  • 博納說:“我不明白昨天在白宮玩的什麼遊戲,大傢聯合起來對付我,可是如果他們以為會壓服我,那他們是自欺欺人了。”
    “I do not know what games were being played at the White House yesterday, ganging up on Boehner, but if they thought they were rolling me, they were kidding themselves, ” he said.

  • 那都是自欺欺人的話語,你的心已經被劇烈的割傷,何必還要掩飾什麼,誰都知道你們不可能再成為普通朋友,不要抱有什麼幻想了。
    It is self-deceiving words, your heart has been sharp cuts, would also need to cover up what everyone knows you can not become a common friend, do not have any illusion about it.

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