
勤學苦練  qín xué kǔ zh







  • 勤學苦練,取得巨大成就。
    He study hard to practice hard, scored great achievements.

  • 必須勤學苦練,才能掌握一種外國語。
    One must have studied hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.

  • 勤學苦練打牢基礎是考試成功的基石。
    Qinxuekulian lay a solid foundation for success is the cornerstone of the examination.

  • 一個人必須勤學苦練,才能精通一種外國語。
    One must study hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.

  • 天資的充分發揮和個人的勤學苦練是成正比的。
    The full play of one’s talent is in proportion to his diligent practice.

  • 軍隊要能打仗,靠提高政治覺悟,靠勤學苦練
    In order to be able to fight, the army must raise its political consciousness and train intensively.

  • 夫人結婚以後,勤學苦練,終於掌握了書法藝術。
    Her ladyship had laboured assiduously to acquire the art of penmanship since her marriage.

  • 夫人結婚以後,勤學苦練,終於掌握了書法藝術。
    to acquire the art of penmanship since her marriage.

  • 夫人結婚以後,勤學苦練,終於掌握了書法藝術。
    the art of penmanship since her marriage.

  • 爽子畢業不到一年,勤學苦練,邊工作邊實踐邊提高。
    Shuang son graduated less than a year, while working side edge to improve practice.

  • 所以,我平時更是勤學苦練,每次訓練和比賽我從不落後。
    Therefore, I also am diligent study and strenuous training in the ordinary time, train every time I never fall behind with competition.

  • 他的一生是通過勤學苦練,無私奉獻而達到成功的一個典范。
    His life is a symbol that through hard work, dedication, and sacrifice great things can be accomplished.

  • 勤學苦練(11級):選擇一個遊蕩者或者法師技能,並受訓。
    Skill Learning (11th level): You gain training in a skill from the rogue or wizard class skills list.

  • 我沒想到,我過去勤學苦練,現在也是的東西會為我贏得成功。
    I had no idea that what I was practicing and what I’m still practicing now would lead to this.

  • 後改學武生行當,經過4年的勤學苦練,他先於別人登臺演出。
    Switched to business after Wusheng, qin xue ku lian After 4 years, he performed on stage before the others.

  • 但她仍舊刻苦努力,在書法追求上不斷嚴格要求自己,勤學苦練
    But she is still hard work, in constant pursuit of calligraphy strict demands on themselves, Qinxuekulian.

  • 他心靈手巧,勤學苦練,又虛心向老前輩討教,雕刻技藝日趨圓熟。
    He clever and deft, studies diligently and practices hard, also modestly asks for advice to the seniors, the carving technique is day by day skillful.

  • 隻有不畏艱難、勤學苦練、勇於探索的文藝工作者,才能攀登上藝術的高峰。
    Only those writers and artists who defy difficulties, who study and practise diligently, and who dare to explore new ground can scale the artistic heights.

  • 結果:學生通過勤學苦練,提高了動手能力,進入實習醫院能較快適應臨床環境。
    Results The students enhance the operating skills and are able to adapt themselves to the clinical circumstance in teaching hospital soon after learning and practicing diligently .

  • 他一直勤學苦練,可練了三個月,老師仍然隻教他一招。他不知就裡,就問老師。
    The boy was done well, so he couldn’t understand why, after three months of training, the master had taught him only one move.

  • 在拜胡世盛為師後,奇樂勤學苦練,觸類旁通,在推測觀眾心理反應上,更有微妙變化的智慧。
    Having learning magic skills of Hu’s , Happy Wiz studied hard and practiced more, which led him to master more skills. He has the delicate intelligence on calculating the audience reaction.

  • 他六歲喪父,為了生計給財主放牧,被一道放牧的陶老拳師收為徒弟,八年裡勤學苦練,武藝大有長進。
    His six-year-old death of his father, to make a living and to the rich grazing, a grazing land for Laoquan Shi Tao’s apprentice, Qinxuekulian eight years, the martial arts great progress.

  • 毫不掩飾地說,我是個相聲迷,我相信隻要我下決心勤學苦練,好好聽丁老師的話,一定會成為第二個大山。
    I think it’s fair to say that I am a fan of Chinese cross talk . And if I am very determined and study hard with Ding Guangquan , I think that I will be able to become the next (Da Shan).

  • 阜城剪紙易學難精,最註重刀下功夫,沒有若幹年的勤學苦練,無法將阜城剪紙的神韻淋漓盡致地表現出來。
    DaoGong exquisite, techniques, Paper-cutting is pure, yi fucheng most attention, not a sword, diligently the verve of paper-cut fucheng will show incisively and vividly.

  • 這就意味著Ezreal不需要勤學苦練就可以發揮他那潛在的魔法天賦-中“大獎”了,這個神童的筆記中寫到。
    This permitted Ezreal to tap into his latent magical abilities without having to put any serious effort into it – a “big win”, as the young prodigy notes.

  • 除了需要師傅言傳身教,更加需要勤學苦練,積累大量的實際表演經驗,因而要組成一個皮影戲劇團是十分不容易的。
    In addiction to the masters’ teaching, performers have to work hard to accumulate experiences. That’s why to form a shadow play troupe is so difficult.

  • 很顯然,無論是天資比較聰明的人或走天資比較駑銳的人,如果他們決心要得到值得稱違的成就,都必須勤學苦練才行。
    Obviously, to the clever or the dull by nature, if they are determined to get praiseworthy achievements, they must study hard and practise more.

  • 郎朗通過多年的勤學苦練精湛了自己的技巧,他通過他的表達和演繹能力與聽眾達到了心與心的直接交流,他一步一步成長了。
    Lang Lang worked tirelessly for many years to perfect his craft, and as he matured, through his expression and interpretation he has been able to communicate directly to the hearts of audiences.

  • 她們吃苦耐勞,不怕苦、不怕累,創業初期,她們每天12個小時連續工作3個月,勤學苦練,盡快地掌握了零售業的基本技能;
    They are both hard working persons.   They used to work 12 hours a day over 3 months without having a single day off in the beginning of running the business;

  • 在社會上能出人頭地(語境有些不妥,有“要做人上人”之意)/有所作為(取得長足進步)的方法唯有讀書破萬卷、受教有方加上勤學苦練。我相信這些準則放之四海而皆準/通行天下。
    The way to the advancement in society is through books and education, as well as hard work. I believe these principles hold time for everyone and everywhere.

  • 勤學苦練造句相關


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