
南柯一夢  nán kē yī mèng








  • 可憐兩個強徒,化作南柯一夢
    Poor two ruffians, their lives vanished like a dream.

  • 南柯一夢:比喻世間榮華富貴不過是一場空夢。
    “nan ke yi meng ” :It means that all the wealth in the world is nothing but a dream.

  • 精誠所至讓我與你同在,雖然僅僅是南柯一夢
    I’ll be with you. Just for a while.

  • 南柯一夢”比喻世間榮華富貴不過是一場空夢。
    It means that all the wealth in the world is nothing but a dream.

  • 而認為房產價格必將在10年或是更久之後恢復上漲的想法也被證明是南柯一夢
    The belief that property prices must rise over periods of a decade or more may also prove to be false.

  • 如果不在今天付諸努力,去實踐耕耘,再美好的職業生涯設計都會變成南柯一夢
    Today, if not put to work and to practice hard, and then design a better career will become.

  • 然而以現今德東真實情形觀之,柯爾的期盼雖非南柯一夢,理想與實際間卻出現了極大的落差。
    While Kohl’s expectations were not complete fantasy, a giant gap between the ideal and the practical did finally emerge.

  • 霎時之間,甚麼李逵、張飛、海龍王全都不知去向,待得驚覺是南柯一夢,卻又聽得砰的一聲大響,起自海上。
    But even as the dream and its wonderful revelry melted into thin air, an alarming reality took its place, in the form of a loud explosion coming from the sea right in front of him.

  • 不要為著描繪繽紛的藍圖而遲遲不前。如果不在今天付諸努力,去實踐耕耘,再美好的職業生涯設計都會變成南柯一夢
    Not to depict the colorful blueprint is slow. Today, if not put to work and to practice hard, and then design a better career will become.

  • 的確,人們總是會建議別人做事之前先作打算,但試想一下,能夠把準備工作做到滴水不漏純粹隻是你荒唐的南柯一夢罷了。
    Aren’t you giving yourself just a little bit too much credit there?It may just be me, but you most definitely don’t strike me as a person with his or her feet on the ground.

  • 這篇文章屬於我的夢,隻是屬於我的夢–《隻是南柯一夢》現在,在我的世界裡,我並不需要一個王子來拯救我,因為我知道,公主正等著王子。
    Now, In my world, I don’t need a prince to save me. Because I know , the princess is waiting for the prince .

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