
反躬自省  fǎn gōng zì xǐng








  • 你應該老老實實地反躬自省, 找出你這些錯誤觀點的根源。
    You ought to examine yourself honestly and find out the source of your erroneous views.

  • 你真的必須反躬自省,尋找自已內心的力量。
    You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength.

  • 在問題進一步惡化之前美國會首先反躬自省嗎?
    Will America sort out its problems before the rot goes too far?

  • 反躬自省,自我批評是我們完善推想堅定信念的一種手段。
    Critical reflection is one means by which we work through beliefs and assumptions.

  • 你應該老老實實地反躬自省,找出你這些錯誤觀點的根源。
    You ought to examine yourself honestly and find out the source of your erroneous views.

  • 你應該老老實實地反躬自省,找出你這些錯誤觀點的根源。
    yourself honestly and find out the source of your erroneous views.

  • 存在之子阿!你被傳去做畢生總結之前,每日必須反躬自省
    O son of Being! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reconing.

  • 對執政能力的反躬自省和強化建設,是一個執政黨走向成熟的標志。
    To be in office of ability turn over bend forward self-communion and aggrandizement construction, it is one is in office the mark with party mature trend.

  • 但是現在還沒有跡象表明伊朗領導人會反躬自省他們野心勃勃的核計劃。
    But there is no sign yet that Iran’s leaders will reconsider their nuclear ambitions.

  • 因此,一些地方被“不明真相的群眾”沖擊、打砸,執政者首先要反躬自省
    “Therefore, when some places are struck and attacked by “masses who don’t know the truth” those in power should first look into their own deficiencies.

  • 有專傢認為,在業界指責美國轉嫁金融風險的同時,中資金融機構仍需反躬自省
    Some experts believed that while the field accuses the US to pass the burden the financial risk, the Chinese-funded financial organ must engage in self-examination.

  • 對於絕對真理我全然未知。但是,我因自身的無知而反躬自省,我的榮耀與嘉獎便蘊於其中。
    I am ignorant of absolute truth. But I am humble before my ignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.

  • 他們時時關註自己,反躬自省,處處斟辭酌句、謹慎小心。待人接物他們總擔心過頭,又怕有所不足。
    they are always thinking of themselves , measuring their words , and recalling their thoughts , and reviewing their actions , from the fear that they have done too much or to little .

  • 他終日受著棍棒、鞭笞、鐐銬、禁閉、疲乏之苦,受著獄中烈日的折磨,睡在囚犯的木板庫上他捫心自問,反躬自省
    Beneath the cudgel, beneath the chain, in the cell, in hardship, beneath the burning sun of the galleys, upon the plank bed of the convict, he withdrew into his own consciousness and meditated.

  • 也許是經常被人們當作憂傷的代表,丁香花果真變了一個樣,憂鬱的花瓣憂鬱的蕊,讓人不覺心中一顫,也開始反躬自省:我快樂嗎?
    May be often on behalf of the people as a sad, really changed a lilac-like, melancholy melancholy petals core, people might feel the hearts of Yi Chan, also began to do some soul: I am happy?

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