
哭笑不得  kū xiào bù dé








  • 杜錫不敢回答,又不能走,哭笑不得
    He did not know whether to laugh or to cry.

  • 一個想笑的鬼臉使同情他的女士們哭笑不得
    A ghastly twitch for a smile overwhelmed the compassionate ladies.

  • 這番話叫他哭笑不得
    the word made him cry or smile.

  • 你弄得我哭笑不得
    You make me cry smile no have.

  • 掌管交易的眾神有一種令人哭笑不得的幽默感。
    Trading gods have a vicious sense of humor.

  • 以下是好事者發來的兩則笑話,看了讓你哭笑不得
    If you are, congratulations then. If you are not, try to make those characteristics yours.

  • 我們可以選擇是哭還是笑,也許更多的時候我們哭笑不得
    We may choose are cry or to smile, perhaps more times we both funny and annoying .

  • 孔子聽後是哭笑不得,見小孩可愛就讓了小孩,繞土堆而過。
    Confucius is dumb founding to hear, see cute kids let the children around the mound and off.

  • 有關網上炒作兩人離婚的消息已有好幾次了,真讓人哭笑不得
    The two on-line speculation has been divorced several times a message, really dumbfounding.

  • 你看,這麼多的玩傢被變成滿地亂跑的小豬仔,真讓人哭笑不得
    You looked that these many plays the family the small piglet which turns everywhere runs all over the place, lets the human not know whether to laugh or cry really.

  • 而這些新“蘇州們”,隻能是在哭笑不得中承受這些虛榮的負擔。
    These new “Suzhou were” only in the dumb founding in vain to bear the burden of these.

  • 司法部長在聽取討論發言時,潦草地記下了一行令人哭笑不得的筆記。
    Listening to the discussion, the Attorney General scribbled a wry note.

  • 當梁某把體溫計交給吳某時,吳某緊張得不得了,這更讓梁某哭笑不得
    When Liang Mou gives the clinical thermometer Wu, Wu is much more anxious, this lets Liang Mou not know whether to laugh or cry.

  • 有時,我在房間看比賽規則,爸爸會來搶電腦學英語,真令我哭笑不得
    Sometimes, I look at the rules of the competition in the room, Dad will be taking away a computer to learn English just makes me dumbfounding.

  • 緊接著的第二輪打擊比第一輪更加讓人始料不及,而結果更是讓人哭笑不得
    Immediately after the second round of the first round against more people than anticipated, and the results were even more people laugh.

  • 好公民妻子哭笑不得,不知所措,隻好硬著頭皮在法國官僚機構的迷宮裡東奔西顛。
    My wife, a typical good French citizen, was now in an awkward dilemma, so at a loss, forced herself to hunt through the labyrinth of French bureaucratic organizations.

  • 我們經常會聽到這樣令人哭笑不得話,你們笑什麼呢?我怎麼覺得這個一點也不好笑。
    We often heard this kind of crying of pain on English. “What are they laughing for? I don’t feel anything in this remark funny at all. “”

  • 哇,昨天晚上我就收到了好多祝福的短信,卻讓我哭笑不得。好了,讓我們進入主題吧。
    Wow, i received many warm messages last night. But that made me both funny and annoying. Well, let’s start off.

  • 摟主的評論讓人哭笑不得,評論是真誠的,客觀的,可是很多方面考慮得很不夠,片面了些。
    Some people laugh, some people cry. Some give up, some always try. Some say hi, some say bye. Some will forget you but never will I.

  • 有時它們也很頑皮,可能還會制造出一些不大不小的麻煩,讓你哭笑不得,但又能怎麼樣呢?
    And sometimes they are so naughty and even make some flea bite and troubles that both funny and annoying. What can we do?

  • 這些人都聲稱自己是“劉洋”,而真“劉洋”隻有一個,一下冒出一堆“劉洋”讓企業哭笑不得
    These people were claiming to be “Liu Yang, ” but really “Liuyang” Only one bit when a pile of “Liuyang” let enterprises themselves.

  • 現在的電視劇越來越粗制濫造了,投資動不動就是幾百上千萬,然而穿幫卻是一籮筐,讓人哭笑不得
    The drama has been more and more crude, is investing hundreds of millions at every turn, but it away is a basket, sodumbfounding.

  • 在我幫一些東傢對陽宅進行風水調整時,很多人曾問我臺燈應放在哪個方位才好,實在讓我哭笑不得
    I helped in some club for the Yangzhai feng shui adjustment, many people have asked me what position lamps should be placed on words, it let me dumbfounding.

  • 更有甚者,他所利用的指標居然都是一種指標,要麼都是趨勢指標、要麼都是震蕩指標,讓人哭笑不得
    Even worse, he could use the indicators are an indicator, or trend indicators are, or are shock indicators, it dumbfounding.

  • 意思就是股市要高開,因為申請失業補償的人數超出預期,提高了進一步降息的可能性。看起來頗為哭笑不得
    Stock futures pointed toward a higher open on Wall Street Thursday, as some investors read a larger-than-expected increase in unemployment claims as support for another interest rate cut.

  • 改卷,一題曰“清水出芙蓉”,或答“亂世出英雄”,或答“山村出美女”,或答“深海出蛟龍”叫人哭笑不得
    Change book, a Yue”clear water lotus”, or answer “chaotic hero”, or answer “mountain village beauty”, or answer “deep sea flood dragon”, Call the person is in distress situation.

  • 小妍哭笑不得地講了這樣一件事:約會幾次後,兩個人感情日漸深厚,但僅僅是吃吃飯、看看電影,沒什麼特別的表示。
    The small Yan in distress situational spoke so a matter:Appointment several times after, two personal affections be gradual deep, but only eat, watch movie, nothing important special of mean.

  • 但是找回來的人卻令楊德財哭笑不得……萬般無奈,楊德財隻好到婚姻介紹所,承諾隻要能找到合適的對象,將以高額重金作酬。
    But the people back to laugh and cry… all YangDeCai YangDeCai helpless, employment, and commitment to the marriage can only find appropriate objects, will make payment by high showering.

  • 在拯救因全球變暖而早蹂躪的世界貧困人口的過程中,發生了令人哭笑不得的事。那些窮人們巴望著對氣候問題大做文章的人滾遠些。
    A funny thing happened on the way to saving the world’s poor from the ravages of global warming. The poor told the warming alarmists to get lost.

  • 在這種情況下,以下這則消息就更讓人心情沉重、哭笑不得:身處平壤的朝鮮政治精英們用餐有了更多選擇,因為朝鮮現在有了有史以來第一傢皮薩店。
    And so there is only the grimmest humour in the news that, for the country’s ruling elite, Pyongyang’s dining options just got a little more impressive: the country now has its first-ever pizzeria.

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