
堅韌不拔  jiān rèn bù bá







  • 堅韌不拔的人成功的秘訣是什麼、。
    What are the secrets that enable tough people to succeed?

  • 隻要努力不懈,堅韌不拔,就會成功。
    Success treads upon the heels of effort and perseverance.

  • 她有非凡的自立的精神和堅韌不拔的精神。
    She have an unusual degree of self-reliance and mental toughness.

  • 憑著堅韌不拔的精神, 他終於成為冠軍。
    He became a champion at last in virtue of his perseverance.

  • 他代表一個以堅韌不拔的意志取勝的民族。
    He represented a people who had prevailed by unremitting tenacity.

  • 他的業績表明他堅韌不拔,富有創建,足智多謀。
    His methods were all stamped with tenacity of purpose , with originality and ingenuity.

  • 我們必須千百次地反復說明,堅韌不拔是取得勝利的唯一道路。
    We must repeat a thousand and one times that perseverance is the only road to success.

  • 偉大的事業來自堅韌不拔地工作,投入全部身心去做,不避艱苦。
    Great cause comes from persistent work, facing difficulties with your heart and soul.

  • 歐巴馬說,重新確認美國堅韌不拔精神和選擇更好歷史道路的時候到了。
    Mr. Obama says the time has come to reaffirm the country’s enduring spirit and choose a better history.

  • 堅韌不拔:在茶座裡和朋友海侃了24個小時後,朋友終於去付了帳。
    I perseverance: in cafes, and friends of the sea-Kan 24 hours after a friend finally to pay the bills.

  • 蒙蒂坐在火爐對面的沙發上,顯得高傲自信、堅韌不拔,偏狹自負而又無比惆悵。
    Monty sat on a sofa opposite the stove. He seemed cocky, tough, positive, intolerant, ignorant, and unbelievably vain.

  • 完成偉大的事業不在於體力,而在於堅韌不拔的毅力。(英國作傢和評論傢約翰遜)
    Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. (Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic.

  • 他說,中國改革開放以來經濟飛速發展,這是中國人民堅韌不拔、眾志成城的結果。
    He said that China’s reform and opening up the rapid economic development, it is perseverance of the Chinese people, the result of concerted efforts.

  • 通過同他們的交往,日本人民的熱情友好、勤勞智慧、堅韌不拔給我留下了深刻印象。
    During the talks with them, I was deeply impressed by their enthusiasm, friendliness, diligence, wisdom, resolution and fortitude.

  • 竹也象征著偉大的中華民族在帝國主義的侵略與壓迫下,仍然能夠堅韌不拔,絕處逢生。
    Bamboo is also a symbol of the great Chinese people in the imperialist aggression and oppression will still be able perseverance needed it.

  • 他(她)們能堅韌不拔地循著國傢和人民的利益去行使權力,這就必然會受國民的擁護和支持。
    They, who can stoutly exercise their power taking into account interest of the nation and people, will be consequentially supported by national people.

  • 堅韌不拔,勇往直前,光明很快就會來臨。這粉紅的番紅花隻開一日。但是它卻堅定了我一生的信念。
    Hold on, keep going, light is coming soon. The pink crocus bloomed for only a day. But it built my faith for a lifetime.

  • 對付敵視的辦法是使用武力,或至少是加以孤立,消除誤解的辦法則是懷著善意作出堅韌不拔的努力。
    Malice is to be combatted by force, or at least isolation; misunderstanding is to be removed by the strenuous exercise of good will.

  • 許多都是能在逆境中生存下來的堅韌不拔而又有主見的人物,但即使是堅韌不拔的人們也會需要得到幫助。
    Many are tough , determined individuals who manage to survive against adversity . But even the tough ones reach a point where help should be available to them .

  • 手藝人的技能、精力和堅韌不拔精神,完全可以象他們使用的工具和器械那樣,看作是國傢財富的一部分。
    The skill, and the energy and perseverance, of the artisans of a country, are reckoned part of its wealth, no less than their tools and machinery .

  • 愚公移山的事很快被玉皇大帝知道了。玉帝被愚公堅韌不拔的精神所感動,便派大力神把兩座大山背走了。
    Later the Heaven God, upon learning of Yu Gong’s story, was GREatly moved. He then ordered another god to come down and take the two high mountains away.

  • 我始終好奇咋看之下如此脆弱的維基百科是怎樣在現實中堅韌不拔的。它能夠良好運做是因為人人各司其職。
    I still marvel at how Wiki communities, which seem at first glance to be so fragile, are actually very resilient. They work because everyone can do their part.

  • 根據我觀察,在自然界中,隻有那些最強壯的植物才能立足、生存和繁殖。依據我看,堅韌不拔乃成功之要素。
    I have observed that only those plants in nature which are strongest survive dnd reproduce themselves  to me that  hardiness is the chief essential for success.

  • 生命是一條無止境的路。我走呀走。當我累了的時候,我就想起你堅定的神情,堅決的聲音,堅韌不拔的精神。
    Life is a road without ends . I walk and walk on . When I tired , your steadfast face , unswerving voice , tough and tensile spirit come into me from my memory .

  • 但是通過堅韌不拔,以及地球母親及SSOA的支持,我們足以能夠一起處理男女問題,並開始在我們的相處中平衡起來。
    But through perseverance and the support of Earth and SSOA we were able to work through the issues between the male and female enough to begin to come to balance in our relationship.

  • 敦煌工藝駱駝簡介駱駝是古絲綢之路上主要的運輸工具,其堅韌不拔、忍辱負重的吃苦精神和憨厚碩壯的形象深得人們喜愛。
    About Dunhuang process camel camel is an ancient Silk Road, the main means of transport, the perseverance, spirit and endure hardship bear the image of a simple and honestshuo zhuang highly popular.

  • 生活是一條沒有盡頭的路。我一直在路上走著。當我疲憊不堪時,我就會想到你那堅強的面龐,堅定的聲音,堅韌不拔的精神。
    Life is a road without ends . I walk and walk on . When I tired , your steadfast face , unswerving voice , tough and tensile spirit come into me from my memory .

  • 願你與幸福永伴,使你親切可愛,願你經歷磨難,使你堅韌不拔;願你痛徹心肺,使你懂得同情,願你滿懷希望,使你天天快樂!
    May you have enough happiness to make your sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy!

  • 願你與幸福永伴,使你親切可愛;願你歷經磨難,使你堅韌不拔;願你痛徹心扉,使你懂得同情;願你滿懷希望,使你天天快樂。
    May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trails to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

  • 我想著這件事,或者說想著記憶中的這件事;我想著那些堅韌不拔、亙古久遠的石頭——它們心無旁騖,悠悠地沉浸在自己獨特的思想中。
    I thought about it, or rather about the memory of it, and I thought about the patient, ancient stones, thinking their slow stone thoughts without caring about anything.

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