
堆積如山  duī jī rú shān








  • 一張文件堆積如山的桌子
    a table piled high with papers

  • 呵,還有堆積如山的工作要做。
    Oh, there´s still an enormous amount of work to do.

  • 他酷愛堆積如山的烤馬鈴薯加酸奶油。
    He loves humongous baked potato piled high with sour cream.

  • 在他的書桌上,文章和文件堆積如山
    On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.

  • 據目擊者描述,警察局屍體堆積如山
    Eyewitnesses there describe corpses piled up at the police station.

  • 我的工作堆積如山,沒有時間瀏覽網際網路!
    I am up to my eyeballs in work. I have no time to surf the net.

  • 這些古老的預言是極為豐富的堆積如山的象征。
    These ancient prophecies are all richly steeped in symbolism.

  • 堆積如山的資料中你早有解答,將它們分類歸檔。
    You have some of the answers you need, in that stack of papers you’ve let pile up. Sort and file.

  • 貨物堆積如山
    Merchandise is piled up mountain-high.

  • 問題在於,現在利率開始上升,而且堆積如山的債務必須償還。
    The problem is that interest rates are now beginning to rise, and the mountains of debt will have to be paid back.

  • 此外,還有堆積如山的評論文章,小到報紙書評,大至學術研究。
    There is also a mountain of paper comment, ranging from newspaper reviews to academic studies.

  • 對不起,這個周末我不能和你一起去看電影,我的工作堆積如山
    I’m sorry, I can’t go to the movies with you this weekend. I’m buried under a mountain of work.

  • 該問題造成一些紐約機場的航班延誤並使得乘客行李在票務處堆積如山
    The problem delayed some flights at the New York airport and caused a luggage pileup at ticket counters.

  • 密蘇裡州斯托克頓市被龍卷風橫掃過後,一輛小型貨車躺在堆積如山的殘骸中。
    A pick-up truck lies in a twisted heap in Stockton, Missouri, after tornadoes plowed through the area.

  • 到目前為止,堆積如山的證據都指向太陽般的恒星與棕矮星,具有極相似的嬰兒期。
    So far, the mounting evidence all points to a remarkably similar infancy for both sunlike stars and brown dwarfs.

  • 人們扛箱子,提行李,將堆積如山的這一切又一次從車上搬到車下,從外面搬到大廳裡面。
    People carried suitcases and luggage on their shoulders and in hands, unloading the pile of things from the trucks and moving them from outside to the lobby.

  • 這是真的,孩子們。這些是殺戮場。皮納塔堆積如山!你們明白我的意思了嗎?你們見鬼去吧!
    This is real, children. These are the killing fields. The piñatas are piling up! Are you with me? The hell with you, then!

  • 每個聖誕節都代給我無限美好的回憶和想念…記憶中你的禮品堆積如山,哦,對了,聖誕快樂。
    Each Christmas brings me wonderful thoughts and memories…And you get lots of presents…Oh, well, Merry Christmas.

  • 美聯社和美國在線聯合做的一項健康調查發現,當人們處理堆積如山的債務時,最容易遭遇健康問題。
    When people are dealing with mountains of debt, they’re much more likely to report health problems, too, according to an Associated Press-AOL Health poll.

  • 一開始是汗衫,然後是男褲,女式內衣當然還有乳罩,都有額度限制,歐洲各個倉庫、關紡織品堆積如山
    As first sweaters, then men’s trousers, blouses and, yes, bras hit their quotas, mountains of clothing began piling up in warehouses and customs checkpoints around Europe.

  • 他正說著,屏幕上出現了一個巨大的工廠,一條條的流動帶,將堆積如山的垃圾,連續送到一座高大的建築內。
    While he was talking, the screen showed a gigantic factory. One conveyor belt after another was continuously delivering large quantities of trash into a huge lofty building.

  • 堆積如山的新鮮產品琳瑯滿目,對顧客的選擇和新鮮需求而言都是考驗。對於零售商而言,則是想把貨賣掉賺錢。
    The mountains of fresh produce on display are a testament to shoppers’ desire for choice and freshness—and retailers’ desire to relieve them of their dollars.

  • 讀者請反省一下,白骨堆積如山的將軍和帝王的動機,僅僅是要在這不足道的微塵上的一小部份上占有瞬間的榮耀。
    Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors, so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

  • 人工智能的威力在於它能在堆積如山的數據中發現問題。它可能被用於在數以十億記的交易記錄中發現金融舞弊行為。
    The power of artificial intelligence is that it can keep data problem. It may have been used to billions of transactions were found in the anti-financial behavior.

  • 遊戲介紹:沙漠裡的龜郵遞員累垮了,堆積如山的郵包可怎麼辦啊?小白鼠飛行員兄弟出馬了,開著飛機載上郵包,空投包裹嘍!
    Games on the desert tortoise : Postman burn out fast, how do mountains of packets can ah? Mouse brothers run a pilot, your planes loaded packets, air-dropped parcels after another!

  • 假如沒有某種程度的妥協,美聯銀行的命運可能因法律攻防戰懸而未決長達幾周或幾個月之久,屆時將飽受流言及堆積如山的壞帳所苦。
    Without a degree of compromise, Wachovia may be the fate of the pending legal battle as long as a few weeks or months old, who will be rumors and suffering from mountains of bad debts.

  • 但是在樓房腳下堆積如山的廢墟裡,一個毫無生機的腦袋和胳膊從廢墟中伸了出來,而另一具屍體則從小山一樣的廢墟另一面可以看到。
    But in the cascade of rubble at the foot of the building, a lifeless head and arm stuck out of the debris, and another body could be seen on the other side of the mound of rubble.

  • 熱熱鬧鬧的秋展終於落下了帷幕,和以往的展會相比,熙熙攘攘的人流、車流,堆積如山的樓書資料,美侖美奐的展臺等等並無多大區別。
    Look but the curtain has finally autumn exhibition, and the exposition than in the past, the crowd flow, traffic flow, piling up the Loushu information splendid exhibition, etc. is not much different.

  • 若這些迫切的生活需要都沒有得到滿足,卻一味地生產出堆積如山的鞋子,而理由僅僅是我們有能力做鞋子,這種做法可說是要多蠢有多蠢。
    It would be idiotic to go on piling up mountains of surplus shoes, simply because we could do it, while hundreds of more urgent needs went unfilled.

  • 花旗那堆積如山,日益增多的消費者及客戶公司債務問題,以及其投資組合中房貸抵押債券的舊傷等,都會使那普通股權益進一步受到侵蝕。
    Mounting problems in its consumer and corporate loans, as well as some old wounds in its portfolio of mortgage-backed securities, threaten to erode it further.

  • 堆積如山造句相關


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