
無可厚非  wú kě hòu fēi








  • 這種引用倒也形象貼切,無可厚非
    This quote is also inverted image appropriate, understandable.

  • 無可厚非,奧巴馬被選為總統。
    Above reproach, Obama was elected to be the president.

  • 無可厚非的是北極正在變暖。
    There is no dispute that the Arctic is warming.

  • 男性所主宰的金融業以冒險著稱是無可厚非的。
    THAT the risk-taking end of the financial industry is dominated by men is unarguable.

  • 那個小女孩子在晚會中的表現相當完美(無可厚非)。
    The litter girl behaved at the party was above reproach.

  • 作為主帥這無可厚非,但這在以前的勒夫而言是不可思議的。
    As a coach this is not unreasonable, but in the former Loew is incredible.

  • 抄一些設計元素無可厚非,不過照搬全抄就有點令人不齒了。
    Agree. Copying some elements here and there is called learning. Copying the whole product design is called stealing.

  • 長遠有序的文化發展規劃,求同存異的包容性,眼界無可厚非
    The cultural development planning long-term orderly , seek common ground while reserving differences of tolerance .

  • 凡要結婚,務必要過彩禮關,這是中國的婚嫁風俗,無可厚非
    If one wants to get married, he can not avoid it, which is China’s wedding customs, there is nothing to be said against it.

  • 如果僅從那些衡量商業活動積極與否的調查中看,這個結論是無可厚非的。
    That is certainly the story being told by business surveys that measure the pulse of activity.

  • 依我愚見,這樣做亦無可厚非,本是天性:我們必須接納本性的好壞對錯。
    For all I know we are right to do this; they are part of us and we must accept the good and bad in ourselves together.

  • 在如今還活躍在籃球場上的球員中,他的“技術組合”無可厚非是非常卓越的。
    Among the rest of the basketball players playing basketball in the NBA today, his “skill set” is arguably unsurpassed.

  • 他很快發現美國的公司城是一種隨著國傢的發展自然而然出現的無可厚非的現象。
    He saw at once that the American company town was a natural innocent phenomenon connected with the nation’s growth.

  • 做到最好和馬虎應付都隻在我們的一念之間,意識狀態就扮演著無可厚非的作用。
    For Doing best and only perfunctory meeting are a study between us, the state of awareness plays the understandable role.

  • 無可厚非,本文的中心並不是我們所讀到的文章的表層意思,而是隱藏在文章深處。
    Arguably the most important demand that appears in the article, however is not something that we found — but what we did not.

  • 雖然大多數時候我們都是一個人來面對這個世界,但無可厚非有了朋友你的心就會平靜很多。
    Above reproach, after you have friends in your life you will feel more calm although a large number of time in your life you are lonely.

  • 若以外行人身份而言,這樣做倒無可厚非;但作為臨床醫師,這樣的評論往往會產生負面影響。
    Although this may be appropriate in nonprofessional relationships, in your role as a clinician, such comments are usually counterproductive.

  • 以市場基準為原則調整價格是無可厚非的,但是對此的方法並不是固定的,可以進行靈活地調整。
    Steps toward more market-based pricing are welcome, but the formula, which has not been published, is still being applied flexibly.

  • 所以我現在覺得那些謾罵、用詞比較極端的指責都無可厚非,我覺得發出不同的聲音也是可以理解的。
    Therefore, I feel that those abuses to the wording extreme accusations are all beyond reproach, I think a different voice is understandable.

  • 值得註意的是,企業具有擴張的雄心是好事,瘋狂搶占資源也無可厚非,但在擴張的同時應該保持一份戒心。
    It is worth noting that companies have ambitious expansion is a good thing, to seize resources beyond crazy, but at the same time the expansion should keep a wary eye.

  • 從谷歌角度看,這種質量控制手段本無可厚非,因為註重廣告質量,正是谷歌取得市場成功的關鍵因素之一。
    Google from the point of view, this means the quality control of the blame, because pay attention to the quality of ads, Google is the key to the success of the market made one of the factors.

  • 如果保守黨贏得春季競選成為下屆政府的執政黨,就應無可厚非地重溫這樁交易,如有必要,解除兩銀行聯姻合約。
    The Conservatives, who are likely to form the next government after an election in the spring, should have no compunction about revisiting this deal and, if necessary, unwinding it (see article).

  • 如果抗議者上周能夠去達沃斯世界經濟論壇,對著那些齊聚阿爾卑斯山的全球領導人們喊出同樣的話,那也無可厚非
    If protesters had been able to get near the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, they could justifiably have aimed the same chant at the world leaders who assembled in the Alps.

  • 無可厚非的作為全美最具影響力的警察,佈拉頓被廣泛稱道於減少了犯罪率和改變了醜聞籠罩的洛杉磯警察局的形象。
    Arguably America’s most influential cop, Mr Bratton is credited with reducing crime rates and reforming the scandal-plagued LAPD.

  • 由於科技或環境條件的變遷,致使既有規范有所不備,因而進行修法甚至是擴張權利保護范疇,以作為因應,本是無可厚非
    It is acceptable to modify laws, even to expand the scope of protection, to deal with the regulations made inadequate by the transitions of technology or environment.

  • 他的說法無可厚非,一旦建成,一個核能發電廠能實現二氧化碳零排放,這種人造溫室氣體與最近的全球氣候變暖現象緊密相關。
    He’s right that, once built, a nuclear power plant emits no carbon dioxide, the main human-generated greenhouse gas linked to recent warming of the global climate.

  • 年青時有這種想法是可以理解的。年青人害怕陣亡疆場,而且一想到人生最美好的一切就這麼被葬送了,恐懼的心情會更加嚴重。這種恐懼無可厚非
    Yong men who hxdye reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they hxdye been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.

  • 這樣做無可厚非,要是心理學者將測驗作業帶到田野裡實施,因為那裡有無數刺激競爭實驗對象的註意,牠們也許永遠不會發現有個問題正等著牠們解決。
    Indeed, if the lab psychologist’s puzzle were presented under natural conditions, where myriad stimuli compete for attention, the subject might never realize that a problem was waiting to be solved.

  • 本賽季上半程比賽,詹姆斯憑借自己全面發揮和出色的數據,帶領球隊打出高強度的防守,獲得了東部第一的戰績,他理應獲得上半程的MVP,這個無可厚非
    For the first half of the season, Lebron James was clearly the MVP. He was playing at a high level statistically, improved his defense and had the Cavs sitting at the top of the Eastern Conference.

  • 不過從一個方面的數據顯示,詹姆斯均場的籃板和助攻都比科比多,這個無可厚非,因為詹姆斯的體型和位置都比科比有優勢,所以助攻和籃板比科比自然來的多一些和容易一些。
    But LeBron averages more assists and is able to get more rebounds. Of course, James has an advantage because of his size and position. He is able to rebound better than Bryant as a result.

  • 無可厚非造句相關


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