
束手待斃  shù shǒu dài bì







  • 如果不搞四個現代化, 我們就隻有束手待斃
    We shall simply be resigning ourselves to extinction unless we carry on the four modernizations.

  • 如果不搞四個現代化,我們就隻有束手待斃
    We shall simply be resigning ourselves to extinction unless we carry on the four modernizations.

  • 不論是兇悍的松毛蟲,還是遍身毒毛的刺蛾,一遇蠋蝽便束手待斃
    Aggressive pine caterpillar and cup moths armed with poisonous hair can do nothing but await destruction when attacked by stinkbugs.

  • 所以當日本轟炸機從海上飛來的時候,那些戰艦和驅逐艦隻能束手待斃
    So the battleships and destroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

  • 他,作為一個人,不再奮鬥,是他那不願束手待斃的生命力逼迫他向前走。
    He, as a man, no longer strove. It was the life in him, unwilling to die, that drove him on.

  • 它毫無作為、束手待斃,脆弱的新西蘭人隻能在失去工作的邊緣苦苦掙紮。
    It fails to take action for vulnerable New Zealanders on the brink of losing their jobs.

  • 有些人燃起了一線模模糊糊的求生的欲望,他們不願在這槍林彈雨中束手待斃
    Then the gloomy love of life awoke once more in some of them. Many, finding themselves under the muzzles of this forest of guns, did not wish to die.

  • 連我也哭哭啼啼,怨天尤人,束手待斃,那麼全部貨物、牛群及所有人都要完蛋。
    If I fall to weeping and regretting this misfortune, and do nothing, all these goods and bullocks and even the lives of the people, including myself, may be lost.

  • 我認為事情可能會…有可能會非常非常糟糕,如果我們束手待斃。但是,我真的在做。
    I think that things can get…have the potential to get very, very bad if we don’t do anything. However, I really do.

  • 而飯店餐飲要與社會餐館競爭雖有一些不能等同比較的制約條件,但這並不意味著飯店就隻能望洋興嘆,束手待斃
    Hotels and restaurants catering to the community and not the same competition although some comparisons constraints, but this does not mean that the hotel will only slide, wait to die.

  • 那是一個星期天的清晨,美國人根本沒有得到警告。當日本轟炸機從海上飛來的時候,那些戰艦和驅逐艦隻能束手待斃
    It was early on a Sunday morning the Americans had no warning. So the battleshipsdestroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

  • 那是一個星期天的清晨,美國人根本沒有得到警告。所以當日本轟炸機從海上飛來的時候,那些戰艦和驅逐艦隻能束手待斃
    It was early on a Sunday morning the Americans had no warning. So the battleshipsdestroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

  • 那是一個星期天的清晨,美國人根本沒有得到警告。所以當日本轟炸機從海上飛來的時候,那些戰艦和驅逐艦隻能束手待斃
    It was early on a Sunday morning and the Americans had no warning. So the battleships and destroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

  • 他的聲音裡帶有一種前所未有的悲哀與肯定。“這就是說,他們不做準備,就隻好束手待斃了。沒有必要繼續爭論下去了。”
    and here is voice took on a new sad sureness, “it is meant that if they don’t prepare, they die. I see no need for further argument””

  • 這句話的意思是:“那是一個星期天的清晨,美國人根本沒有得到警告。所以當日本轟炸機從海上飛來的時候,那些戰艦和驅逐艦隻能束手待斃
    It was early on a Sunday morning the Americans had no warning. So the battleshipsdestroyers were sitting ducks when the Japanese bombers swept in from the sea.

  • 束手待斃造句相關


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